The Essence of the Warrior

The Essence of the Warrior
A Short Treatise on Valor
by Captain Kell Tanis

What is a warrior? The common conception of a warrior is that he is a soldier. A man of war. The truth of the matter is that a warrior can be something so much more, or something far simpler.

A true warrior is someone who fights for a cause, someone who believes in something so much that they dedicate themselves entirely to it. The prime example of a soldier on the battlefield is the truest expression of that intent. The person who sacrifices his life and freedoms in the pursuit of lofty ideals, who throws himself into the jaws of danger and death to protect those he loves. But is this the only state of a warrior? Absolutely not.

What of the women who fought for equality in the male dominated society of 20th century Earth? They who fought ridicule and persecution yet marched onward, in spite of those who would hold them back. What of the lowly citizen who cries out against corruption? The simple man who rallies against what most would rather ignore. What of the simple worker? Who sees an injustice in his community, who holds his head high while others look away and says with indignation, "No."

The expression "championing a cause" was created for these stalwart few who stood up when they saw a wrong. These champions are the true and most sincere essence of a warrior. Each fights a war many of us would simply choose to ignore, without the pomp and flair generally afforded to the soldier. They too make the choice to step out of their old lives to stand up against those who would have them kneel. They are not the only ones who fight.

The Klingon Empire as it currently exists does not understand this concept. They are a purely military society focused on order and violence. They do not fight because of a sense of righteousness, but rather a distorted sense of honor. They do not champion a goal further than their own sense of worth. Most within the Empire seek standing and advancement based on battle prowess and politics. This, they believe, is honor. I contend that without focusing those aspects around a noble goal, they are worthless.

I have met a number of Klingons who do not share this misguided sense of honor, and instead choose to live by a more selfless code. Some of them now serve beside us, forced, on occasion, to fight against their brothers. Many further still serve, oppressed, within the Klingon Defense Force. Their thoughts and desires suppressed, anathema to the doctrine they are subjected to upon birth.

The Klingon Empire seeks out and culls these malcontents, calling them words like "dishonorable" and "traitor". In truth, they are the few who hold true honor in higher regard than themselves, and stay loyal to their convictions. I salute the valor of these downtrodden heroes.

We all fight battles in our day to day lives. We all have enemies, seen and unseen. Take in the spirit of a warrior. Find something to stand behind or rail against. Inspire those like yourself to take up the mantle beside you. Gather in strength. Fight the battle that would otherwise remain un-fought. Because in the end, the essence of the warrior is the indomitable spirit of the individual who chooses to say "No!"

Become the Essence of a Warrior.