The Jimmy Dalton Lounge is a holo-deck program of a twentieth century live music lounge, with a stage at the very front and a bar at the back with about twenty tables. The stage always has a live band going and a swanky grand piano that is never out of tune. The food is always exquisite, the entertainment exotic and the air electric with the buzz of diners and waiters busing to and fro. It's always happy hour and there's always at least three bartenders on service. Lou, Blue and Friday.
The main face of the stage and the Master of Ceremony is none other than Jimmy Dalton (played by Michael Bublé). A suave, funny and charismatic crooner with a heart of gold and a voice like butter. The ladies love him (or at least the hologram ones do) and the fellas wanna be him (again, at least the hologram ones do). His lounge is always alive with the classics (and some of Michael Bublé's own pop songs sometimes), whether it is Jimmy singing it, his pianist Reggie (played by Robbie Williams) or a hologram of whoever the listener wishes were on stage. Jimmy knows he's a hologram. Heck, the entire establishment (save the clientele) know what they really are. But that doesn't stop them from living the best life they have every night. This is a lounge for all walks of life and for all stages of that journey. Whether you're sad and lonely, or just wanna be happy, Jimmy D. is always there, waiting and ready.
OOC NOTES: Hey everyone! Merry Christmas 2019! This is a holo-deck program created by my character, Aaron Tanaka, in character. This was what he was working on for the past few months ICly to explain away my OOC IRL length of silence (sorry about that!). I can usually play the part of Jimmy D. in a post by post RP on this thread. But if you want to post a classic song (classics only please, let's keep the tone) then feel free to RP the scenario out. I give you full control to use Jimmy (Human Male), Reggie (Human Male) and the three bartenders, Lou (Klingon Male), Blue (Andorian Female) and Friday (Vulcan Female), however you want (don't get an aneurysm over the names, they're just nicknames given to them by the lounge folk). Lou and Friday sing pretty well too and can sometimes make an appearance, while Blue plays a mean saxophone. Enjoy!
As the first notes of music began to swell, a feline form prowls through the darkened, bustling nightclub. A jade green gown hugs the curves of her body as she sways her way to the bar one hip at a time. The sequins sewn into the clinging fabric catch the light spilling from the stage and glitter almost as brightly as her matching emerald eyes, which watch the stage intently as she moves. Both stand in stark contrast to her jet black mane of hair cascading loose over her bared shoulders, also covered in fine fur of the same dark hue. That fur continues across her entire body as evidenced by the slit in her dress which reveals her leg up to mid-thigh. When she reaches her destination she leans against the bar with one hand, but her hips don’t stop moving. Instead they keep time with the beat of the song, joined by the joyful swishing of her tail. She stays entranced by the crooning of the Sinatra standard until the final notes fade into a roar of applause. Only then does she turn her grin to the Klingon bartender and order a drink.
R'Rurra: I’ll have a mint julep, if you have the time for it. Just the bourbon if you're in a hurry.
Lou, the Klingon bartender, nods stoically and smoothly slides the glass over while preparing the mint julep. He's skilled, but at the same time just a little rough with the mixing, his face a constant look of fierce concentration mixed with 'what the hell am I doing here'. Jimmy finishes his set with a flourish and smiles at the audience, who clap and cheer. Tanaka smiles from his seat in the bar, watching like a director on opening night at the theatre.
Jimmy: Ladies and gentlemen thank you all for comin' down to the inaugural opening of the Jimmy Dalton Lounge! (He pauses for applause) Apologies this took so long to get kickin' but the manager over there (points at Tanaka), he's a stickler for the details. Had to make sure the carpet matched the drapes.
The drummer gives a cheeky 'badum-tss' roll on his drums. Jimmy chuckles and addresses the crowd once more.
Jimmy: Speakin' of which allow me to introduce the band! That's Ziggy on the drums over there. Marco and Dudu on the bass and the electric guitar. The Sandiego Swing Sultans, my pianist, Reggie and the conductor, Eric Walsh!
The band members take turns to bow, nod or whoop in recognition of their names being called. Once done, Jimmy pivots on his heels and addresses the audience again.
Jimmy: Alright now that things are a swingin', let's get them glasses a ringin'! Openin' night's drinks are on the house people! Reggie take it away!
Reggie steps away from his piano and begins to sing with the band as Jimmy steps off the stage toward Tanaka.