The Lost and Found Box

Item: An A4 sized piece of craft paper

Left near the railing overlooking the promenade inside of the Starlight Cantina in the station's early hours. The craft paper appears to be folded in half, having a printed personal photograph spread across the inside. On the right side of the interior, a short message sits unfinished and appears ever so faintly smudged. The message has been written in some form of fast-drying liquid gel, not too unfamiliar from human stationary equipment. On the outside of the craft paper lies a faint liquid stain of fair colour.

Spoiler: There's no written address of either the sender or intended recipientShow
Item: A brightly colored PADD

This appears to be a cheap, mass market device that stores only one hardcoded novel. There's no encoded lockout, so it's possible to switch it on and have a look at what is stored. The cover shows an overly attractive fellow in a pirate outfit, posing in front of a glorious sea scape with age-of-sail ships flanking him.

Originally found on DS13's embassy level, left on an armchair near the fireplace.

(Item has been claimed.)
Item: Blue gift box and contents.

The box appears to be sky blue and the size of a shoe box. Inside is an almost mustard yellow fuzzy teddy bear with two beady little black eyes, two arcing eyebrows, a happy red smile and a big black nose. The bear seems to be wearing a small red shirt that doesn't even cover his belly. The word 'Pooh' is written across the bear's shirt in yellow letters.

These items were originally found in a side lounge next to a fish tank on DS13's embassy level.

(this item has been claimed)
Item: A paper-and-PADD book

This copy of "Energy to Edibles: An Engineer's Guide to Culinary Replicating" is slightly the worse for wear for its harrowing trip through the replicator trash disposal chute, but aside from a few scuffs and a scratch on the cover it's in one piece. It has been properly sanitized, but prior to this, some unknowable chemical reaction blurred the scrawled note on the flyleaf. The only legible words now are 'possible' and 'idiot', both written in slanted, sharp Federation Standard.
Item: A black umbrella

A simple but sturdy umbrella, topped with a black canopy. Light, flexible, and slightly damp in spite of whatever time has passed. The rubberized grip of the curved handle is worn away in places, exposing the smooth and slightly slippery black polymer beneath.
Item: A zucchini in a state of temporal flux

A zucchini that had been reported missing by DS-13 kitchen staff a few days ago, has recently appeared in turbo lift 12. The temporal zucchini was taken the security office and awaiting to be claimed. The vegetable itself appears to be in good condition and presumably fit for consumption.

(this item has been seized by DTI)
Item: Standard Issue Starfleet PADD

This PADD was left on one of the tables near the fireplace in the embassy lounge. The open file contains detailed instructions for the detection, collection, and temporary storage of a large quantity of tribbles. It seems to be a contingency plan.
Item: 3 month Sobriety Token

This small pokerchip sized token sports a vintage Earth car on one side, and a traditional serenity prayer on the other. This item was found in the event horizon lounge on the far table from the ramp.

(This item has been claimed.)
Item: A PADD with a musical album

A musical recording of Sir Oo-mox-olot's latest album, Vulan Furies. The PADD was found on a bench inside a gym locker room.

(This item is not yet reclaimed.)
Item: A latinum purse emblazoned with a Romulan insignia

Spoiler: (Imperial Romulan Changepurse)Show

The changepurse is worn and old. The fastener seems to barely work.


  • A frayed Epohh paw with a purple tint
  • A note on green paper, scribbled in chicken-scratch Rihannsu "I-jol au!"
  • 4 slips of latinum
  • A rainbow-hued bird brooch in the shape of the venomous nei'rrh, filled with gems. On closer inspection, it seems to have a deactivated recording device contained within.

(Not yet claimed)
Item: Antique Cable

An insulated series of wires having a protective casing and used for transmitting audio/visual signals -- easily recognizable as some kind of cable. However, upon closer examination, the connectors are an unfamiliar configuration unless one has knowledge of antique equipment.

Spoiler: (Antique High Definition Multimedia Interface Cable)Show

(This item is not yet reclaimed.)
Item: Stuffed Purple Epohh -- of Borg

A Stuffed Purple Epohh with tinfoil borg implants and baby slobbered paws, originally left behind in the Embassy Wing Lounge by the fireplace.

(Item recovered.)
Item: Holo-imaging Camera

Several bad holo-images of shoes and blurry carpets and one nice group photo from the Spring awards ceremony.
Item: Leather coat of mysterious origins

Black leather coat found outside a cargo bay nine. The coat felt strange to the touch, when scanned with a tricorder, it was determined it was not of this universe. DTI is currently investigating. Starbase security has also been notified.

(Item is not yet claimed and currently in DTI custody)
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Item: Vintage Stuffed Rabbit

The toy is made of a fuzzy, soft fabric, stuffed until it was fat and bunchy. The outer coat is spotted brown and white, with real thread whiskers. It has button eyes and the ears are lined with pink sateen. It was found with a sprig of holly between its paws.

(Item is not yet claimed)

Spoiler: Vintage Stuffed RabbitShow

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Item: President Okeg, autographed photo

The photo appears to have been taken on DS13 and shows the President with a young lieutenant, who may or may not be still be assigned to the starbase.

(Item is not yet claimed)


Item: Caitian Cultural Artifact

Found on Holodeck 03, this totem appears to be very worn but culturally significant.

(Item is not yet claimed)


Item: Several boxes worth of nostalgic trinkets, photographs, and holographic candles.

These boxes are being specifically kept under the watch of an operations officer on duty. Only individuals who check in with the officer are allowed to look through and claim things that are theirs.