The Rator III Incident | Stardate: 100374.9

Tension | thhaer
/ˈtɛnʃn/ - noun | taekhos

  1. the state of being stretched tight.
  2. mental or emotional strain.

That was a pretty apt descriptor of the corridors aboard the Atlantis. The bulkheads shallow, constricted, while the duty officers scuttled from section to section. Not a silence by any means, in fact the opposite, but the underlying tones certainly didn’t shy away from the gravity of the vessel’s destination.

Cutting through the soundscape Morton’s tunic zipper snapped sharply upwards as he exited the observation lounge, his eyes lingered on the Federation delegates until the entrance sealed him out into the small corridor leading to the bridge. Any thoughts on the matter found themselves boxed up and filed under unimportant now, yet there was a small comfort brought about in thanks to the however-temporary white shoulders that adorned his uniform for the assignment. Perhaps a required sense of familiarity.

“Captain on the bridge.” The operations officer rose from the center chair and resumed her seat at the rear of the bridge consoles. “USS Reyga on short range sensors, sir.”

Coby had already taken to the command chair, “Helm, drop us to impulse speed on Reyga’s rendezvous coordinates. Send standby alert on update from Captain Kermit’s observation to task force vessels.”

“Aye sir, dropping from warp.” The Bolian helmsman called aft.

A bleep here and a bloop there came from the operations console, “Task force vessels confirm copy, Captain. All ships reporting in.”

A subtle nod was all that was sent to the bridge officers of the Atlantis as the Reyga’s skipper came over the bridge speakers. Morton hadn’t heard that voice for a while, even now it felt somewhat of a strange sensation, but still one with a modicum of warmth.

“Dragon here. Under cloak, no doubt, but we are travelling their space, no surprises there.”

“Copy that.” The human began, shaking off the thought he’d just gotten lost in and activating the task force communications net. "Atlantis to task force, maintain vigilance and monitor all systems for anomalous and radiological sensor spikes. Remember while we’re to be on alert, we’re still just here to transport a diplomatic delegation. Fly casual.”

“Ranger copies. Standing by.”

"Sentinel copies all, we’ll periodically run some scans see if we can’t find something in the ambiance.”

"Heimdall copies. Sensors are dialed in and pinging.”

“Resume heading for the Rator System.” came the order from the Atlantis, her communications officer was prompt in reporting to Morton the task force’s acknowledgment and the pensioner Excelsior class leapt back into the stars.

With the warp field initialised and the steady stream of stars, reduced to blurs, scrawling past the view screen the bridge held a momentary quiet. There was nothing to discuss that couldn’t be pinged from console to console, so the Captain pushed himself from the seat and gave a nod towards the Operation’s officer.

“You have the Conn Lieutenant Commander, I’ll be in the ready room. Alert me once we’re closing in on orbit of Rator III.”

The woman nodded, making her way over towards the center seat once again. As Morton turned back towards the entrance of the ready room he stopped briefly as his ears tuned in to listen to the idle comm traffic still being transmitted across the bridge’s speaker system.

“Pegasus here; recommend vessels run three same pattern scans and then do a 180 on the pattern in reverse, they won’t expect it.”

His tongue ran along the back of his lower lip before sucking in a lungful of air, departing into the small ready room adjoining the bridge module straight for the chair behind the desk.

“Computer; begin recording, authorisation MORTON-43-Alpha.” The computer replied with an awkwardly cheerful chirp of acknowledgement, “- Captain’s Log, Stardate: 100374.9. The Atlantis is currently en-route to Rator III heading a task force in support of Federation Ambassador Neema Perim, she’s due to speak before the Star Empire’s Imperial Senate. Over the last ten years I’ve had much opportunity to understand further the complexities of Romulan politics, specifically the Republic, yet throughout the last 72 hours I’ve shamefully not given a single thought to how our allies within said Republic must be feeling. If somehow the Federation’s involvement in the inevitable conflict were to be limited outside of active hostility, I can only fear for the strain this will undoubtedly place upon our relationship. As for the Star Empire there’s a lot of trepidation surrounding our transit, I’ve had to remind myself more than once that they would have to be insane to pull off something which would lead to a direct open conflict with the Federation, especially at this stage in their campaign.” There’s a brief pause as Coby stares idly out of the office’s porthole, “Computer; save and end recording.”

Perhaps the uncertainty within the coming day, let alone weeks, is what caused the seated human’s mind to wander as he inspected the walls of the ready room shared by countless Starfleet officers over the years. Coby’s hand traced over towards the desk-mounted computer console, drawing up the Atlantis’ service history. He’d never quite understood the affection placed upon the ship itself by a large number of Deep Space Thirteen’s crew, yet sat here reading confined in what to him was a rather rudimentary office he’d already gotten his own picture of her.

That occupied him for at least an hour, roughly, until a short chime came through to the overhead speakers. "Bridge to Captain Morton; We’re entering the Rator system, we should be within orbital distance of Rator III in a few moments."

“Thank you 'Commander, Yellow Alert, I’ll join you on the bridge momentarily. Have us drop from warp and hold position, inform Ambassador Perim’s delegation that she will be disembarking Atlantis shortly.” Morton returned, straightening out his tunic as he stood and began to close down the computer terminal on his desk.

The USS Atlantis spurted into the outer edge of Rator III meeting the Dragon, Heimdall, Pegasus, Ranger, Reyga and the Sentinel. Good, no one managed to get lost. In local stood a starbase accompanied with several vessels appearing under standard patrol, though it was a decloaking warbird that made initial contact with the task force.


Play | yyhle
/pleɪ/ - verb | hwuih

  1. engage in activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose.
  2. take part in (a sport).

“This is the Federation vessel Atlantis, we’re standing by to receive. Our delegation will begin to make preparations. We thank you for the welcome.” Morton sat upright in the command seat, both forearms resting neatly and appropriately along the chair’s armrest control pads. Shortly after receiving the site-to-site coordinates for Perim’s team the warbird re-cloaks, vanishing once again from immediate sensors.

“Reyga’s sending a security team with the diplomats, then dropping back to conduct long range scans. Leaving local to the rest of you.”

“Heimdall will also beam in two security personnel to accompany diplomatic corps. Light arms only. Keeping watch.”

The Captain’s left hand tugged his nose idly as he concentrated on the viewscreen, “All ships, transporting delegation now. Taking up standard orbit. Keep sensor sweeps to passive, but prepare for the worst should there need to be an abrupt exit from system. Tensions must certainly be high.”

“Heimdall confirms last. Helm, take us in tighter to the Atlantis. We’ll cover your flank while diplomats disembark, Captain Morton.”

“Sentinel to Task Force. Information only: Starbase seems to be serving as a troop hub, looks like the Empire has converted several freighters to ferry people.”

“Copy Sentinel, are the freighters armed?” Morton’s attention went over towards the Atlantis’ tactical officer, waiting for confirmation. The tactical officer stood by collecting the information sent from Captain Konieczko’s vessel and offered a conclusive nod.

“With a further look, confirmed weapon systems aboard. Coming back offline.”

Atlantis’ tactical officer threw up a small rendering into the corner of the view screen, “If we’re able to track any movement we should be able to get a trajectory sent over to the Republic.” advised the red-striped Lieutenant.

“Get me Captain Kon-” Coby cut short as the task force communications sparked back up.

“Pegasus again; we have a warbird 73 meters off our secondary hull.”

“50 meters.”

“32 meters.”

“Pegasus, adjust central beam, manoeuvring thrusters. Maintain distance from projected warbird.” Morton’s posture once again tightening in his seat, the Romulans would’ve known at this distance they’d have been picked up, but this wasn’t the best time for games, nor was the skipper in the mood for such.

“Heimdall to task force; Careful… if the Romulans want a first shot, they’ll manufacture one. It’s up to us not to respond. Even if we have to take a hit.”

“Captain! D’Deridex class, directly beneath Pegasus- she needs to move, sir.” advised tactical once again.

“Captain Nimitz, Maintain Distance of 50m.” Again, this wasn’t the time for games. The human’s tone carried a somewhat unfamiliar sternness to it, especially for one aimed at an officer of Alistair’s stature.

“…There’s the first attempt at it. Eyes out everyone. If this is the game, let’s not play. We are NOT at war, let’s not act like we are.”

“If we’re lucky, they’re just having a laugh. But keep cool, because luck is not a strategy.”

“Copy that, task force hold positioning. Captain Tyrstoc is correct, we’re big enough to lose a few games of chicken.”

The tactical station on the Atlantis now held two officers, albeit temporarily. “D’Deridex off sensors Captain, should we track sir?”

“Negative, let them go, it’s highly doubtful that we aren’t surrounded by at least half of their fleet as it is, just as Captain Nimitz stated. Get me Captain Konieczko, secure channel.”

With a few audible notes, “Secure line to the Sentinel, sir.”

Some chatter filled the task force communication net, while Coby was paying attention he was focused on the necessity of the given suggestions of sensor nets. A communication from the USS Dragon caught his attention,

“We can spool up the tactical sensor mesh network if need be, standing by on… something just poked through our shields briefly.”

“Confirmation of object, Dragon?” The task force comms began troubleshooting the Dragon’s potential issue, under the circumstances the object could’ve been as suggested a mine, which would have suggested all vessels were subject to a potential attack; Ranger, Heimdall and Pegasus began work on further scans while the Dragon underwent investigation.

With the issue seemingly in hand Morton resumed his desire to reach the Sentinel, “Captain Konieczko,” Coby had leaned over towards his chair’s personal communications pad, “I want you to pursue a line of investigation on those troop transports. If information is the only viable weapon we currently have, we best make sure we have the most of it. If you detect any movement ensure you capture a projected course. But don’t push too hard.”

“Understood Morton, that said the Star Empire would have to be criminally insane to attempt open hostilities with a Federation task force.” came the familiar voice through the local sound system.

“That’s what I keep telling myself. Morton out.” pausing the channel for the time being with a firm click, giving the man a moment to take a few calming breaths. The breathing exercise lasted all but one rhythm before the second tactical officer from behind called openly across the bridge. “CAPTAIN! Warbird, 010, 50 meters- she’s on a collision course sir.”

“Oh for stars sake.” He didn’t even take a moment to curse himself for using the phrase he’d picked up from his favourite Trill. Morton opened his channel back to the task force, “Heimdall, proximity alert- Cloaked Warbird on heading 010, collision course.” as he shot a stare over towards his helmsman almost expectantly. “Back her off. Thrusters full, hard to starboard Lieutenant.”

“Roge-- Contact! Task Force, we had a near miss. Felt like a hit, but… sensor logs read gravitational force from a massive ship passing way too close for comfort."

“Right-ho.” Morton said defeated, rising from his chair with a step taken towards the viewscreen. “Open channel, it’s enough of that now.”

“… open channel, sir.” replied the communications officer.

“This is Captain Morton of the Federation Vessel Atlantis.” he paused, just for a second, as through his head went a number of scenarios and invasive thoughts of ranting openly across comms. After contemplation, he went the diplomatic route. “While we all love a good ride on the dodgems, might I remind any external factors that acts of un-consented bumps are viable and viewed as aggression in some cultures.”

There was a new silence across the bridge.

“Our apologies Captain. We failed to consider your presence in our fleet exercises. We will transmit a flight plan for you to follow that will guarantee a safe distance from our forces. Please stand by.”

“Very courteous of you, we’ll do our best to ensure that we don’t endanger your war games any further.” as the skipper returned to take his seat, a more comfortable slouch as his right leg was sent across his left.

“Flight plan sent, Captain. Please follow it exactly. We will not be responsible if you deviate and are damaged as a result.”

During this miniature back and fourth the Dragon had dealt with it’s potential hazard by jettisoning the affected area of hull plating, Morton once more checked in; "Atlantis to Dragon, confirm security integrity of vessel and set course for provided ‘flight-plan’. Ranger to cover ventral.”

“Heimdall copies on flight plan, inputting to helm now. Not sure this changes anything… still recommend sensor sync.”

“Dragon has course plotted.”

“All ships, proceed into holding pattern.” Just as Morton had ordered that, the officer at the helm gave a very slow look towards the Atlantis’ CO, resulting with an arched brow from the human in the center chair. “Lieutenant?”

“Sir… have you… actually seen the holding pattern they’ve given us?”

Before Morton could retort, which would of course have been a solid ‘no’, Captain Tyrstoc came across the speakers. “Time to swallow more pride…” to which the human couldn’t help but finally let out a small chuckle, whether it was genuine humour or some anger management coping method, was uncertain to those watching. “That’s pretty good, actually, that one.”

“We’re the ones with a crew and a workbee tethered to the hull replacing an armour plate while doing this.”

As the situation passed, Atlantis’ communications officer spoke up with some mild hesitation. “Captain, … we just had an active combadge transmission, just came through as static- ceased pretty quickly. Trying to boost transmission but looks the signals terminated already as I said.”

“Task force, did you read that blip?”

With a pair of pursed lips Coby leant forward, “Hmm~ …” he called openly to the computer, “Atlantis to the Reyga’s security detail.”

While the silence and lack of reply would have probably been enough, the communication’s officer follows protocol. “No response sir. We’ve still got Ambassador Perim’s feed coming through uninterrupted.”

“Dragon to task force, we are picking up their lifesigns and comm badges again. We do show brief jamming in the sensor logs.”

Atlantis to Sentinel, any activity detected from either the station or surface following the brief transmission interval experienced?”

“Standby Atlantis.Following a hunch regarding the broadcast’s legitimacy, if it’s actually the ambassador speaking or if it’s doctored. No other unusual activity at the station - Information, no doctoring of the feed. It’s legitimate. ”

“Dragon confirms from here as well. Should we inquire about it with them?”

Tungsten’s words ignited a thought process. It might not have been the most moral or frankly appropriate action considering the situation, but as far as Coby was concerned any method of ensuring contact with the away party was necessary, but even he wasn’t sure why he went straight to this plan. “Get me the Imperial Senate Office.”


Situation | irraefvedh
/ˌsɪtjʊˈeɪʃn/ - noun | taekhos

  1. a set of circumstances in which one finds oneself; a state of affairs…
  2. the location and surroundings of a place.

“Computer; resume recording, authorisation MORTON-43-Alpha.” The computer replied with another chirp of acknowledgement, "- Captain’s Log, Supplemental. The task force received a nondescript, brief transmission from the security detail assigned to Ambassador Perim’s delegation. Following attempts to contact the Starfleet personnel assigned we’ve been met with no response, all the while the Ambassador’s feed from the surface remains active and untampered. I plan to make contact with the offices of the Imperial Senate to obtain communication with our away party. As we’re dealing with the Star Empire I highly suspect should anything be amiss we will only have one opportunity to make contact, to which I’ve elected to use a rather unconventional and perhaps morally dubious tactic in communication.” Once more Coby paused, “Computer, save and end recording.”

“Sensors are operational and reading, but the away team is no longer at last known position. As for whoever is there now, can’t say, Atlantis. But I don’t like it.”

The background of the bridge was filled with an array of sensor pings and whistles as the officers continued working in tandem with the ships of the task force, Morton straightened away from his communication panel and eye’d the viewscreen as it filled with an image of the secretary of the Imperial Senate Office.

“Good day to you from the Romulan Imperial Senate, how may we be of service to you.” came the, rather polite Coby thought, voice.

Morton cleared his throat, throwing on a diplomatic smile. “Good day, my apologies for the interruption, I am Captain Morton of the Federation vessel Atlantis. I need to speak with an…”

The operations officer who’d taken over task force comms threw up a dossier into the corner of the viewscreen.

“… Ensign Ban of Ambassador Perim’s security detail. There’s been an incident aboard the USS Reyga, a vessel stationed as part of our delegation in which a member of its crew has been placed into a critical condition. It’s vital that we speak with him and make him aware of the current situation.”

Another moment passed, the USS Ranger proceeded to move in to cover the after quarter of Heimdall and Atlantis, before finally a response came back. “Please hold, I’m transferring your query, thank you.”

Coby glanced at the communications officer with a subtly raised brow, but was quick to return his attention to the viewscreen as a new player entered the game. “I am Major Lurit , your query, Captain?”

“Good day Major, I’m seeking contact with a member of Ambassador Perim’s security detail, a situation has developed aboard the USS Rey-”

“Impossible.” Was the simplistic response.

With his eyes holding a slightly-longer-than-usual blink, “If I might enquire as to why, Major? This is somewhat of an emergency situation.”

“Your Starfleet officers are currently being detained on charges of espionage, Captain.”

Ah, there it was, a little twitch in his left eye. “… Espionage, Major? Under what evidence have you found them guilty?”

“Of course they’re guilty, Captain. You come preaching peace and neutrality, but the Empire isn’t so blind to such weak attempts and your false security.”

“Major, I ask again, on what evidence? You’re obviously more than aware that we will not simply allow unlawful detention of Starfleet personnel, to which rather frankly after playing these childish games with your fleet currently in orbit, I’d hazard a guess as to this simply being an attempt at further provocation.”

“You may take leave with your Federation Ambassador, as was agreed.”

“Major, I ask you to seriously think on what this wou-” The viewscreen returned to the display of Rator III and the orbiting space station ahead. There was a long internal groan as the Captain pinched the bridge of his nose, leaning onto an armrest of the chair as he took back over from the operations officer. “Morton to task force, Update; The Starfleet security detail is currently being detained, under charge of espionage to which a predetermined verdict of guilty has been accelerated. Ambassador Perim is apparent-”

“Captain! Disruptor buildup, it’s the starbase, they’re firing weapons- uh, a weapon!” streamed the Atlantis’ tactical officer across the bridge.

“Weapons fire, we have weapons fire from the starbase.” confirmed the Heimdall.

“Weapons fire confirmed, apparently a warning shot.”

“Red Alert, all ships.” the skipper ordered, presumptuously.

“Stand down red alerts, non-issue. Non-issue. We deployed a probe and they seem to have taken offense to that.”

Coby squinted at the rather prominent image of the starbase now occupying the majority of the viewscreen, Konie’s voice coming through the speakers didn’t offer much comfort even though he’d just confirmed the fleet wasn’t about to enter into combat. He decided to speed along, “- Ambassador Perim, ahem, is apparently free to depart. The Starfleet security detail however are not. I have attempted to secure contact with the away detail unsuccessfully.”

“Heimdall to task force; This is heating up way too fast. We need to establish local sensor readings. I don’t like taking a warning shot when we don’t know where the bouncer is. When was this probe launched? Why wasn’t the task force notified?”

”Launched only moments before detonation, really.”

“Captain Konieczko was undergoing further surveillance as requested by myself. The situation didn’t warrant task force approval.” The human cleared his throat once again, fidgeting in the chair somewhat as he wasn’t able to find a new comfortable spot. If somehow there were to be any blowback on the Sentinel’s little incident, Coby’d take it.

“…Those are my people down there, probably in Tal Shiar hands by now, Captain Morton.”

The situation was getting a little intense for some, the warning shot hadn’t done much to ease that. “And we’re going to secure their safe release, Captain.” Coby checked his personal display to see the current status of the Ambassador’s live stream; he’d lost track of it while on the blower with the Romulan Major. Yep, everything as it should be. Perim was entering the exit-stage of address and questioning period, she needed to be informed of the current escalating situation in orbit above, to which suddenly Konieczko’s voice filled the bridge on an open channel.

“Star Empire Starbase, U.S.S. Sentinel. Apologies for the probe deployment. Finger slipped.”

“Finger … slipped…” Coby began, but trailed off as the internal task force comms began to fill with further chatter. While the vessel commanders conversed, Coby eye’d his communications officer for what must’ve been the millionth time today. “Atlantis to Ambassador Perim.”

“Go ahead, Captain, just about finished down here.”

Konie’s voice once again filled the backdrop of the bridge, “I’m glad to see you understand. The absolute last thing I would want would be to be accused of espionage. That would really muddy the already muddied diplomatic situation here.”

“Ambassador, we currently have somewhat of a situation developing. It would appear that a Major Asshat has detained the Starfleet Security Detail assigned to your delegation, under charges of espionage. What is your current status?"

There was, as had been the norm for any of his communications today, a moment’s silence.

“…standing in the very public hallway outside the Senate chambers. Standby, please.” was Perim’s straight response, the majority of the bridge crew had turned an incredibly slow glance over towards the man currently occupying the central command chair. Coby just took another slow breath. “… get them out of there. Whatever it takes. I’ll stall here until you’re ready to leave the system.”

“Understood. Atlantis out.” Morton stretched his neck from shoulder to shoulder, “Atlantis to task force, suggestions welcomed.”

“Ranger to task force; Any attempt to remove them by force could be seen as an act of war.”

Captain Trystoc added, “From personal experience, even a small-team physical recovery mission has low odds of success, and would certainly provoke a war. That’s exactly what the Imperials want out of this.”

“I’m still not certain what they gain out of a two-front war. I think they’d rather just have a contained incident for propaganda.” Tungsten’s words once again made sense.

“-and that’s exactly what this is, provocation. How large is the circumference of the suspected transporter-inhibited area?” As Morton requested that information, the Atlantis’ own tactical team began getting to work on their console.

“Wait, Task Force, be advised, Heimdall’s further review of scans reveal no evidence that the site is shielded, per se. Merely jamming sensors and communications. Beam out may still be possible.”

“Please Confirm, Heimdall?” The prospect of an easy solution seemed a little too good to be true.

“Attempting to ascertain lock… Captain Morton, could the ambassador or her retinue give us any kind of eyes-on intel on the position of the detained officers?”

Atlantis to Ambassador Perim!”

“Text only response, sir, on screen.”

Perim’s message comes in; Can’t stall much longer.

Comms traffic was beginning to increase again, becoming rapid. “Sirs, I strongly believe, whatever their motive, logical or not, the Star Empire wants this war. It is our solemn oath to do everything in our power to avoid it.”

”Including abandoning your crew?”

Again, under the circumstances Morton chose to filter out any non-vital communication. Tension’s were still high and every officer had a right to an opinion, but Coby was waiting for that one bit of good news the task force could do with here on the safety of those below.

“Flag Captain, permission for narrow-beam scans to try and glean more. Was told to belay earlier, but we might get something. Anything.”

“Dragon confirms, this does seem to finally be the time for it. If we get them out, I’m recommending we immediately go to slipstream, headed for home base, here. Trading fire would only make things worse.”

“Granted, Heimdall.” to which he waited impatiently for the desired response.

“Task force, I can get them. High-intensity scans read seven combadges, four lifesigns. Repeat, Heimdall has a transporter lock. The Romulans will know exactly who it was, but we can get them.”

With some positive news finally, Morton took a stand with his voice a raised certainty. “Heimdall, TRANSPORT ALL FRIENDLY SIGNATURES. Ranger, Heimdall, Pegasus- Prepare to Warp, heading 2-3-2, set course for Deep Space 13 and depart on positive transport. Sentinel, Dragon- Remain on station until my confirmation.” He’d planned for the two capital ships to remain on station, just in case any flak came from the Heimdall’s manoeuvre; or failing that, in case the task force picked up a tail enroute home.

“Initiating beam out on all Federation signals now…We’ve got 'em. We have them all. One diplomat, both attaches, one security officer alive… three dead. One casualty from Reyga, two of mine. I pulled Perim out too. On my judgement. Advise warp out NOW."

“Group One engage, Group Two standby- … Dragon, Sentinel; Active Full Spectrum Analysis. Once Group One’s transponders read 5 Light Years engage for Deep Space 13, just in case of stragglers on their tail.” Coby turned fully towards the helm, “Kick her in the guts, Lieutenant.”


OOC I just wanted to add some goings on during the event from Coby’s perspective. Thank you so much to Kermit for an amazingly fun event as well all participants; As a note 70% of this is just the chat log captured by Kermit, written and pasted in appropriate place from those who participated. There are certain areas, specifically regarding Tells that I didn’t get a chance to save so I had to make up as close as my memory would allow without being over zealous. Was really cool to see both events play out, thanks again to all GM’s involved.

Any changes or items you believe to be incorrect or missing, please let me know! Same goes if there are any concerns of grievances with this post in general.

The Eleventh Hour. AAR.