THEORY: Gravometric Inversion


A concept first put forth by Andorian scientist in the early 23rd century, gravometric inversion speculates that if the charge of a graviton particle could be reverse, the subsequent particle would reach in a similar way as matter and anti-matter, creating a enormous amount of energy release. Although because of the abundance of matter in the universe, compared to gravitons, the energy release from a negative gravaton would be minimal compared to the use of anti-matter. However, unlike antimatter, the fluctuation in the otherwise constant gravity fields of the universe would further distort space time and could result in distortions in the space time fabric.

The concept was never really fully supported by the greater galactic science community. Partially, because gravity is only considered to increase from zero, never to be negative. Also, because science has yet been able to mathematically establish that gravaton particles have any charge to reverse anyway.

Although fringe science still considered the possibility of gravometric inversion possible, it is largely unacknowledged by 25th century astrophysicists.