To: @38th.Command
CC: CAPT Tungsten, D; CDR Nathes;
From: CAPT Morton, C
Subj: Fleet Deployment Request

With recent action against Romulan Star Empire forces and the damage sustained on both surface facilities and within the assigned Romulan Flotilla, this officer would like to formally request deployment of several Federation vessels to the Tri’Vokil system.
Current 38th Fleet vessels assigned; RRW Virin, USS Dragon and the USS October.
While 38th Fleet assisting vessels have been instrumental in the defence of the colony world, it’s been concluded that the system would greatly benefit from a semi-permanent Contingent/Task Force until this threat has been neutralised. Our allies within the Romulan Republic have proven invaluable however their losses have unavoidably diminished effectiveness.
The support gained from this would bolster and allow reconnaissance into the Valdore Nebula, crucial to understanding the dire threat currently posed against the colony and it’s inhabitants considering the heavily armed weapons platform already encountered.
This communique serves to request Command’s approval of assembly of this Task Force and for guidance where necessary, a detailed proposal on vessels and defence requirements will follow any preliminary approval.
Without increased support the likelihood of extreme loss of life is high.
Captain Coby Morton
Commanding Officer,
USS October
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