To: CAPT Cynis | Subj: Return to starbase

Stardate 94435.1
FROM First Salesman Jikam'Utan
SUBJ. Return to starbase

I have been instructed to return to your region to provide assistance and services once more.

My employers needed FMS Naakom in the Zenas Expanse to tend to trade negotiation changes with the Lekaari. It has since been resolved. I am enroute now and will arrive within the week.

Are there changes in the region I should be aware of or combat to be prepared for?

- Jikam'Utan
Security Level 2 - Confidential

TO First Salesman Jikam'Utan
FROM CAPT Sadia Cynis

SUBJ RE: Return to starbase

Dear business partner,
it is good to hear from you. I hope the DPS is doing well? Regarding our current situation, we're hit a patch of relative peace - Breen/Ventraxian conflict has come to a halt and both sides have engaged in diplomatic talks. I'm certain this cease fire will not last long, as the Breen are simply buying time to reorganize and renew their invasion plans.
Of course, we haven't been idle ourselves, but I'm loathe to speak about the details over the comms. You will arrive just in time for the next task force staff meeting, and all important matters will be discussed then and there.

Strength and Honor,

Captain Sadia Cynis
Commander of task force Hurq Mevik