TO: CAPT Egzo, CMDR Kodon | SUBJ: Recent developments

Security Level 2 - Confidential

TO CAPT Egzo, CMDR Kodon
FROM CAPT Sadia Cynis

SUBJ Recent developments

on my way back from Qo'nos I was appointed as emergency Klingon representative for the peace talks between the UFP and Confederation of Azed that held place yesterday on Deep Space 13. Unfortunately, entire thing went to hell as unknown attackers attacked the Azedi vessels that were protecting their delegation. Things escalated quickly into 3-way fight. Azedi and unknown attackers were defeated but DS 13 was disabled by Azedi and had to be abandoned. Daramar and starfleet ships from task force Argo are licking our wounds at K-7 at the moment, and we'll stay here for a while, I believe.

Egzo: Stick to your mission and see it through. We need Alarians to keep the Breen occupied. If the situation down here escalates to the point that strong KDF presence is required, I will let you know.

Kodon: see with the starbase quartermaster that any ship repair materials we can spare that can be used by allied vessels be ready for pickup by the end of the next shift. IKS N'guc will arrive soon to pick them up. They also have my permission to use the TW gate to Ganalda station so see to it. Also, get me a wing of support vessels (Qel squadron should be on standby if nothing unexpected happened while I was away), they should escort N'guc to K-7 under maximum warp.

That should be all for now. I will keep you posted about any further developments.

Strength and Honor,

Captain Sadia Cynis
Commander of task force Hurq Mevik
Security Level 2 - Confidential

TO CAPT Sadia Cynis

SUBJ Re: Recent developments

Copy that, boss. We'll head back to base when we're done, unless we hear different.

P.S. any excuse to spend more time with your human, huh? ;-)

Captain Egzo
IKS Hag'lhr