To: CAPT Skye | From CAPT Quint | Subj: CADT Tierno

Stardate 94848.3
Security Level 2-Confidential

TO <CAPT Skye>
CC <VADM Perim>
FROM CAPT Emery Quint

Captain Skye,
I know there is a great deal going on and you're probably as sleep deprived as myself, but I need to bother you over a matter. I was directed by VADM Perim to look into the circumstances regarding Cadet Rianni Tierno, currently in your brig.

I've read the report submitted by Mana about her potential involvement in the incident during the peace talks with the Azedi Confederacy. I would like to arrange a time to debrief her and gain a clearer picture of what has occurred and what there is to know. Granted we have Mana's report but I'd still like to have an official Debrief on file as well.

Emery Quint
Captain, USS Victory
Taurus Squadron, 38'th Fleet
Stardate 94849.1
Security Level 2 - Confidential

TO CAPT E. Quint, U.S.S. Victory
CC <VADM N. Perim>
FROM CAPT F. Skye, U.S.S. MacAlpine

Captain Quint,

I was present when the cadet in question was taken into custody, and I can confirm that she was involved in the incident during the peace talks as she was the one that sent the signal that appears to have called the other group of aliens, that she calls 'the creators', and she has admitted in doing so.

I have now submitted my report as well on what happened for more information. I am more than willing to arrange for you to have a debrief with the cadet in question. The MacAlpine isn't going anywhere soon with the number of repairs she needs, so if you can provide a time frame in which you would prefer, and I can arrange with my security to make it happen.

Captain Fiona Skye
Commanding Officer, U.S.S. MacAlpine