TO: CAPT Thiessen | SUBJ: Report on the Battle of Deep Space Thirteen

TO CAPT T. Thiessen
CC CAPT K. Se'Lai, CAPT F. Skye
FROM Mana-Arshai Dos Sndoi'Ihaie'Vaie Nos Indoi-Ihai
SUBJ Report on the Battle of Deep Space Thirteen

Captain Thiessen,

Mana has not filed a formal report before and does not know if Mana has the authorization to do so. Mana is sending Mana's report as a communications file for Captain T. Thiessen and hopes that the report will reach the correct recipient.

Mana has sympathies for Captain Thiessen on what occurred this day. Mana had evacuated from two ships before and Mana knows this is no easy experience. Mana cannot possibly understand how Captain Thiessen is feeling as Mana is not attuned to human pheromones, but Mana can imagine the difficulty of such a situation for a commander. Mana also apologizes for troubling Captain Thiessen earlier, as Mana has difficulty reading human emotion and could not tell whether Captain Thiessen wanted information or time to recover.

Mana does not wish to bring further trouble, but Mana may have vital information that will help understand the situation. Captain Thiessen can read the rest of this report whenever convenient, as is intended by the idea of sending this information as a report.

Mana will start from the beginning, as Captain Thiessen is not familiar with Mana. Mana hails from EereE Space - the Great Black Hole as known to many outsiders - and was part of a group prosecuted by the Overseer - the AI network in charge of EereE Space. The ship Mana was on was destroyed by the Overseer, and Mana nearly perished escaping EereE Space. Mana broadcasted a call for help and was picked up by the USS Gainsborough, which kept Mana on board as a refugee.

That was how Mana was present at the first encounter with the Azedi. Mana is now aware Mana broke Federation regulations in upgrading the Gainsborough's computer to AI status so that the computer could combat the Azedi virus, but Mana was not aware of said regulations at the time and Mana was also authorized by Starfleet personnel in a desperate attempt to save the lives of ship personnel. Since then, Mana has been using Mana's computer expertise to assist Starfleet in developing and employing countermeasures against Azedi attacks on Federation computer systems without radical upgrades.

This was why Mana was assigned to assist with security on board Deep Space Thirteen during the conference with the Azedi. At first, Mana was simply helpin the security team monitor local Federation troublemakers. However, Mana was later informed that an unauthorized transmission had been made from Deck 55, the deck Mana was on. Mana was asked by Lieutenant Jetaal to trace the transmission. Mana tracked the signal to the transporter console, where someone was remotely attempting to bypass the transporter lockouts. Further tracking led to a console being used by Cadet Rianni Tierno, who was also assigned to the security team. The rest of the team detained and transported Rianni to the station brig.

Rianni was a cadet on board the USS Gainsborough for a learning event when the Gainsborough ran into the Azedi. Rianni originally went missing, but was later found by the USS Valley Forge on a planet with pre-spacefaring technology, notably separate from the locations of all other recovered survivors. Rianni returned with no recollection of anything prior to the Gainsborough's destruction, and Mana theorizes Rianni's memory may have been altered between the time Rianni was lost and the time Rianni was recovered.

The message Rianni sent was aimed at a point of otherwise non-significance in Itrin Sector and simply contained the word 'Here.' Mana also determined that Rianni was attempting to remotely access the transporter systems to escape to a station shuttlebay. By this time, the station was already under fire, and Captain Skye and Mana both hypothesized that Rianni may have been responsible for calling the third group. Captain Skye's ship ran a trace of the new arrivals' warp trails which did originate from the Itrin Sector. Mana and Captain Skye proceeded to speak to Rianni, while the security team went to assist with evacuating the station.

Rianni admitted working as an operative for the new arrivals, whom Rianni refers to as the 'Creators.' The Creators were once nearly exterminated by the Azedi and deems the Azedi to be dangerous. Rianni appears to really believe that calling the Creators was helping Starfleet, and that the Azedi were a threat to the Federation. However, all three groups apparently ended up firing upon one another in the confusion.

When Captain Skye and Mana made Rianni understand that Deep Space Thirteen was at risk from the actions of these Creators, Rianni helped Captain Skye attempt to establish contact with the Creator ships to explain the situation. Unfortunately, the Creator ships did not respond, and Mana, Rianni and Captain Skye abandoned the station shortly after the order was given. Cadet Rianni Tierno is currently detained on board Captain Skye's ship.

Mana does not know if anyone was really an enemy. From Mana's understanding, the Azedi came to Deep Space Thirteen with peaceful intentions. Mana wishes to point out that Mana's home space is nearby to Azedi territory, yet the EereE Order and the Confederacy of Azed had not come into conflict in 400 cycles, so the Azedi appears to be faithful to boundary agreements. However, these Creators, or at least the operative Mana has come to known, sincerely believes the Azedi are not worthy of trust and did not intend to harm the Federation. In the end, both groups did harm the Federation, and as Mana is neither a Starfleet officer nor a citizen of the Federation, how the Federation responds is the Federation's decision alone.

Mana-Arshai Dos Sndoi'Ihaie'Vaie Nos Indoi-Ihai

//ATTACHMENT// Destination Coordinates of Unauthorized Transmission
Security Level 2 - Confidential

TO RDML Konieczko
FROM CAPT Thiessen

SUBJ FWD: Report on the Battle of Deep Space Thirteen


A report from someone who was present on our security team in advance. As many of my security force did not survive, I am forwarding this in advance of any official fleet reports.

Captain Tau Thiessen
Commanding Officer, Deep Space Thirteen
Security Level 2 - Confidential

FROM CAPT Thiessen

SUBJ FWD: Report on the Battle of Deep Space Thirteen


Captain Tau Thiessen
Commanding Officer, Deep Space Thirteen