To: CAPT Timoreev | Subj: The Survivor

BH1Pd8X.pngTO: CAPT A. A. Timoreev, U.S.S. Attar
FROM: CAPT K. Se'Lai, U.S.S. Valley Forge
STARDATE: 93816.3
SUBJECT: The Survivor


I know you already aware of the Valley Forge's present activity in our impending trip to Vulcan. I believe Sam has also informed you already of his circumstances to which I am working to assist so far as I am able. To this end, I am scheduling the Valley Forge to proceed on to the Sol system once our business on Vulcan is concluded.

Now to the matter at hand; during our last outing you recovered a survivor from the Gainsborough. Whilst I have not had the opportunity to meet with the girl yet, some of my senior staff have and they inform that - besides doing as well as can be expected - she is suffering with her memory. Andrej, we can not allow this to hamper our search efforts just as we finally found our first real link to the lost crew. To this end, I would ask - while we are away on this current mission - that you take up the investigation with this survivor and see what we can learn from her - there has to be something, surely?

Thank you, and I look forward to picking up on this again upon our return.


Captain Keelah Se'Lai
Commanding Officer, U.S.S. Valley Forge
BH1Pd8X.pngTO: CAPT K. Se'Lai, U.S.S. Valley Forge
FROM: CAPT A. A. Timoreev, U.S.S. Attar
STARDATE: 93818.1
SUBJECT: The Survivor

Yes, I've been informed about the recent events, and I fully approve of your decision to reach Sol after your stop at Vulcan. It will not be a major diversion from the projected route, and we'll do just fine without the Valley Forge for few days more, so don't worry about that.
I also had the occasion to briefly meet Cadet Tierno at the Starbase lounge, and I can confirm that she indeed suffers from loss of memory. I also agree with your assessment that we need all the informations we can get, so I'll try to arrange a meeting between myself and the cadet, eventually under the supervision of one of DS13 counsellors.
By the way, since you're going to Earth, may I ask you for a personal favor? Capt. Leonardsen of the U.S.S. Na'el needs a pick up to bring her here on DS13. Her ship is in drydock, and she hasn't found any substitute yet, so if you could take her as passenger on the Valley Forge, I'd be extremely grateful. She's an old friend of mine, and it has been a while since we last met.
In any case, I'll keep you appraised about any development relate to the Gainsbourough.
Be safe out there.


Captain Andrej A. Timoreev,
Commanding Officer, U.S.S. Attar
Commanding Officer, Libra Squadron, 38th Fleet
BH1Pd8X.pngTO: CAPT A. A. Timoreev, U.S.S. Attar
FROM: CAPT K. Se'Lai, U.S.S. Valley Forge
STARDATE: 93818.4
SUBJECT: Re: The Survivor


Thank you for your support and understanding regarding the change of schedule. I would be more than happy to accomodate your friend and will touch base with her once we arrive at ESD.

Thank you again my friend.


Captain Keelah Se'Lai
Commanding Officer, U.S.S. Valley Forge