TO: CAPT Tolar. | SUBJ: Operation Oleśnicki

To: CAPT Tolar, A. (@ElvenLord)
CC: @38th.Command
From: RADM Bishop, S.
Subj: Operation Oleśnicki


From now until Stardate 100509.2 you are to enter the systems found in the brief below, located across Vendor, Agrama, Noro, and Rator Sectors. You must enter each system undetected and place a network of probes in each area. It will be impossible to conceal such a network entirely, but you must make an effort to keep them hidden for at least 72 hours. They will report back necessary info on system conditions and fleet movements.

You must make every effort to not be detected and under no circumstances are you to fire upon the enemy. If you are near detection, you are to warp away immediately. Do not take any risks; it is preferable to miss a system than be detected.

Once this is complete, you are to join Captain Nimitz at the Seinae System to prepare for an invasion.


Rear Admiral (Upper Half) Samuel Bishop, PhD
Executive Officer, 38th Fleet ‘Argo’

//ATTACHMENT// operationoleśnicki_brief.dat

OOC Operation can take place offscreen or use as an RP hook as you please.


To: RADM Bishop, S.
From: CAPT Tolar, A.
Subj: RE: Operation Oleśnicki


Captain Amathel Tolar
Commanding Officer,
USS Mariner

//ATTACHMENT// filename.ext

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To: CAPT Tolar, A. (@ElvenLord)
CC: @38th.Command
From: RADM Bishop, S.
Subj: Operation Oleśnicki


Do not move to the Seinae System as planned. Instead, please complete the same instructions on this new list of targets. Following this, you must return to the old systems to replace any detected or destroyed probes.


Rear Admiral (Upper Half) Samuel Bishop, PhD
Executive Officer, 38th Fleet ‘Argo’

//ATTACHMENT// operationoleśnicki_brief2.dat

OOC Operation can take place offscreen or use as an RP hook as you please.