TO: CAPT Tungsten/CMDR LaSalle | SUBJ: Alien Survivors

To: CAPT Tungsten, CMDR LaSalle (@DrakeTungsten ) CC: From: CAPT Lyn Subj: Alien Survivors

CAPT Tungsten and CMDR LaSalle,

The USS Minerva is currently in the process of arranging accommodation for the two survivors recovered from the extragalactic vessel.

So far, the individual known as Ilin is recovering well from his injuries both mental and physical. He seems grateful for the rescue and expressed a desire to thank the away team members in person including CMDR LaSalle. He has provided minimal information other than the name of his species, although we have understandably not pushed the issue. He does seem very curious about… everything though, and is rather friendly and upbeat considering what become of his ship.

The other individual has identified himself as Kehl, and appears to be a ranking officer of some kind. He has also provided little to no information and appears reluctant to engage in conversation besides a request to speak to our leadership. However, he did seem to perk up interest when I mentioned that the ship that rescued his vessel during their galactic crossing was based here.

I thought that both or either of you might be interested in speaking with him given the USS Dragon’s encounter. I’m also hoping he’ll slightly more forthcoming with you. After all, you did save all three ships whereas I showed up too little too late after all of his crew were already dead.

CAPT Isadora Lyn
Commanding Officer,
USS Minerva


To: CAPT Lyn, I. (@Isadora )
CC: CMDR LaSalle, E.
From: CAPT Tungsten, D.
Subj: RE: Alien Survivors

Next time we can rendezvous at DS13, Commander LaSalle and I would be happy to speak with one or both of the survivors. Hopefully we can get some basic information out of them. Not that this is an interrogation or anything, but there are a lot of curious people who would like some answers on where they are from, planets, cultures, etc. Even a story or two would be a gain culturally. Some history would also be nice, if they are willing at all.

We will try to coordinate a meeting.

Captain Drake Tungsten
Commanding Officer,
USS Dragon