TO: CAPT Tungsten, Drake | SUBJ: Concerning Information

To: Captain Tungsten, Drake @DrakeTungsten
From: CDR Nathes
Subj: Concerning Information


RRF vessels regularly monitor all communications within the remnants of the former Star Empire. This is to ensure that, in the event of incursions by the Ancient Regime, RRF has an advantage of information.

This morning, my Chief Scientist reported some unusual communications that, I believe, concern the welfare of one of your officers.

An exchange via the former Star Empire’s military channels indicated a topic: “khaiell rhadai”. This is in reference to some sort of assassin associated with one former Tal Shiar Commander known as Dhisuia s’Droall. This war criminal went missing decades ago, though it appears she is now active, especially considering some unusual reports near the Klingon border.

If you are wondering how this pertains to your crewmember: khaiell rhadai, roughly translated, means Wind-People in your language. As I understand, you have an officer with that surname operating on your vessel.

I do not exchange information like this lightly. But considering the circumstances, I believe it is pertinent you are made aware. Advantage of information is key, and I am at my disposal if you wish for me to pursue further inquiries. I am also free for a face to face with yourself and the involved officer.

CDR Nathes
Commanding Officer,
RRW Virin,
Romulan Republican Force

//ATTACHMENT// Recordings of comms chatter


To: CDR Nathes
CC: CAPT Tohanna, R. (@jackascii ), CAPT Varley, L. (@Lauren ), CMDR Sideris, N. (@Calyx ), CMDR Warner, R. (@Ruke )
From: CAPT Tungsten, D.
Subj: RE: Concerning Information


I owe you a bottle of Kali-Fal. Or five. This actually aligns with some things I’ve been made aware of recently, but with much-needed detail.

I wonder if you might find anything by cross-referencing against the name “Evoch” with this khaeill rhadai? The name might be an alias, but it’s one tied to someone who is roughly Vulcanoid in appearance, if a bit more of an Orion shade of green, unless disguising that.

I am copying your message and this to a couple people who I believe are now falling within the “Need-To-Know” category, if that name is associated with a Tal Shiar assassin. They are believed to be headed to DS13, and while I don’t think they will be there to kill anyone specifically, they may be trying to force others to join that lifestyle.

I trust that everyone I am copying in will keep this message in the proper confidence, and within appropriate security clearances, but also use it to take any precautionary measures. Including not telling any strange individuals the whereabouts of my Chief Tactical Officer.

Captain Drake Tungsten
Commanding Officer,
USS Dragon


To: CAPT Tungsten, D (@DrakeTungsten ), CDR Nathes ( @Garak234 )
CC: , CAPT Varley, L. (@Lauren ), CMDR Sideris, N. ( @Calyx ), CMDR Warner, R. (@Ruke )
From: CAPT Tohanna, Regiatta
Subj: RE: Concerning Information


This situation is just like one big onion. We keep peeling back the layers to reveal more layers. CDR Nathes, thank you so much for this information. I had heard that rumor years ago but I had never heard the name “khaiell rhadai” associated with it. That is, in short, both disturbing and a lead we may need. Most likely an analyst heard it but given the amount of rumors that turn out to be chaff, filed it in the garbage bin.

The disturbing issue here now is that given the species’ ability to conform and adapt to any shape given a few months and a structure to clean to, our khaiell rhadai could be anyone. Given the time that has passed since, CDR Nathes, you heard this rumor and it’s apparent falling off the radar, that means there is a possibility that Charvas or Ansha could be this khaiell rhadai.

Charvas’ background claims have been vetted to mycelium 25 years ago. We were able to interview the mother and she was very helpful. Said she went digging after the, get this, the 'pale, pointed eared, ones ’ came and raided the warehouse from where she went trash picking. That may be why our ‘jiffy pop army’ sales were stopped? Maybe it was Tal Shiar? Who knows.

Ansha, however, is only vetted back 17 years ago, as she was found floating in space, frozen solid. We do know the rescue pod she was in was launched from the Slygo Surveyor and that it had be in space for 26 days. Before that we are taking her at her word.

NOW, before we grab pitchforks, there is a theory by those that have studied Ansha’s development, that this species seems to have an issue with lying. They can’t seem to do it. Ansha’s psychological profiles seem to indicate this and Charvas’ upfront openness suggests this is a viable theory.

Ansha has also had numerous mind melds and none came back with red flags. I think, honestly unless I’m missing something, there is still a third Wind People running around and it is working for the Tal Shiar.

Now, next bit of info. Dhisuia s’Droall, that’s a name I haven’t heard in years. I was almost willing to bet she had been executed for being a disgrace after I defeated her when she challenged me to a duel. Fortunately for me the high minister that was present was big on honor. She tried to cheat, (you could see him rolling his eyes and shaking his head anytime you heard the shink of a poisoned boot blade). Long story short, the minister honored my win and let me leave with my wounded partner. That sporting of him at least. That was about 21 years ago.

So here we are to item number three on the list of things that will keep me up tonight, Klingon border? CDR Nathes, I’m assuming you mean the border with RR space? Like the Azure Nebula? We may need to head there if I can clear it, Capt Tungsten. That’s the last known location of the Von Gruber, the ship that if you remember, may hold the data that will tell us where the Wind People are from. We need to get that info before anyone else does. It does not make me at all happy that someone leaked that information but then it was only classified at Level 1 so there you go.

Last little bit and then I’ll end the missive. Capt Tungsten, can we have a meeting on the Dragon, with you, CDR Nathes, CMDR Reese, and anyone else you feel is relevant, please? I’m inviting you, CDR Nathes, because I would so much like to get some more detail on this information you have that could be better asked outside of a message like this. First thing on the agenda, I’m sending CMDR Reese home. He’s done enough distracting and I’m sure his pregnant wife wants him there.

I think it may be time to level with Ansha, and arrange a family reunion. If anything to see how this progresses.

Captain Regiatta Tohanna,
Psychological and Sociological Trend Analysis Division Lead
Starfleet Intelligence


To: CAPT Tohanna, R. (@jackascii )
CC: CDR Nathes (@Garak234 ), CAPT Varley, L. (@Lauren ), CMDR Sideris, N. (@Calyx ), CMDR Warner, R. (@Ruke )
From: CAPT Tungsten, D.
Subj: RE: Concerning Information


I can certainly make that happen, if you feel that we need to obtain whatever information we can from Lieutenant Wind-People, at this stage. I’d have preferred to have the situation with the supposed third “cousin” sorted out beforehand, but I at least partially agree with pursuing this new course. I have some reservations though.

To those aboard DS13, whether you feel it is enough to know about this potential boogeyman in order to keep the station safe, or you feel the need to join this meeting, I leave up to you, but you are certainly welcome to join us. I am certain that I’ll need to bring in my first officer, and chief of security.

Captain Drake Tungsten
Commanding Officer,
USS Dragon