TO: CAPT Tungsten l SUBJ: A Request

To: CAPT Tungsten
From: CDR Nathes
Subj: A Request


There is a matter I believe the Romulan Republican Forces cannot pursue independently. I would therefore request an opportunity to speak with you face to face.

I would also suggest you freshen up your reading on older reports. In particular, the USS October’s discovery of an ancient T’Kon installation inside the Valdore nebula at Tri’Vokil.

CDR Nathes
Commanding Officer,
RRW Tebok
11th Expeditionary Flotilla


To: CDR Nathes
From: CAPT Tungsten, D.
Subj: RE: A Request


We will be happy to assist there if we can. We have a couple small matters to wrap up, and we will rendezvous with you as soon as possible.

I will re-read those reports. You certainly have me intrigued now.

Captain Drake Tungsten
Commanding Officer,
USS Dragon

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