To: CAPT Varley, L.
CC: CMDR Khet, M.
From: LCDR t’Veras, A.
Subj: Media Leak

Captain, Commander –
I am sure you have already seen this, but in case you have not, there is someone on staff at DS13 or in the fleet that is talking to the media without authorization. They seem to have specific information regarding the destruction of the USS Defender that was not provided through official channels.
No doubt this person thinks they are doing the right thing. They must be identified and disabused of this notion. We will need to comb through communications on our end to keep Galaxy News out of it as they’ll just use it as “evidence” of our “corruption,” but we may also need the starships present at the occasion to do the same. I’ll recommend a honeypot A/B trail test be used if we cannot immediately identify the mole.
Likewise, we will be combing through the data to figure out where our intelligence failed us on the Defender, and I would like to recommend that the science department figure out some way to identify the opening and commencement of the Azedi wormhole weapon before it happens.
LCDR t’Veras, A.
DS13 Intelligence