TO: CAPT Varley, L | SUBJ: Insurance Claim

To: CAPT Varley, L
CC: @DS13.Engineering; @38th.Command
From: CAPT Morton, C
Subj: Insurance Claim


Please see this officer’s attached report on damage sustained to Federation Vessel Atlantis during OPERATION EDELWEISS. Following multiple system failures this officer withdrew the vessel to standing rendezvous coordinates and now makes preparations to return the vessel to your command for repairs (and apologies) sir.

Hull Condition:


Minor Breach x5 - Decks 3, 7, 12
Major Breach x3 - Decks 13, 26
Hull Scoring
Port Thrusters
Dorsal Thrusters
Pulls A Little To The Left
Starboard Impulse Engine
Internal Systems
Helm Control:
Sensor Stations:
Command Chair:
Intermittent Transmission
Power Couplings Fused
Minor Interference
Requires New Bridge Console
Intercom Button Fell Out
Auxiliary Lines:
Main Power:
Shield Generator:

Sec. 10-14 Fused
Limited Output
Operable But Limited
Bow Shields Intermittent

Following Rear Admiral Bishop’s order to engage hostile forces, this officer ordered Atlantis ahead full to initiate contact with the enemy. Due to intense sensor interference we utilised torpedo spread patterns R’zo-Vek and Boyson, to little success initially all the while Tactical was ordered to maintain a manual targeting spread with all available phaser banks.

Atlantis was able to initially obtain targeting and scored a few impacts across several Romulan warbirds however dealing limited damage- sensor interference maintained and once fully within the fray our weapons were proving more ineffective. The vessel then sustained a heavy hit, presumably from several Plasma Torpedos, to her bow resulting in fore shields dropping drastically to 28%. This officer ordered to maintain evasive manoeuvres to keep ventral shields soaking any incoming. While this proved effective, the vessel was quickly overwhelmed with another striking blow overloading main circuits and a loss of helm control.

Engineering teams were able to reroute main power through secondary auxiliary conduits restoring helm control in a limited fashion and allowing the redirection of shield power to compensate for the initial strike. Atlantis was able to unleash a complete spread of torpedos from her remaining launchers, resulting in the destruction of an aft warbird while tactical maintained a firing solution with phaser banks slicing through another target.

Rear Admiral Bishop ordered a regroup at which point Atlantis’ second wind came to an end and the vessel was no longer combat viable without incredible and unjustified risk to the ship and her crew with Task Force elements still at capacity, in which this officer ordered a withdraw.

Captain Varley, the Atlantis and your crew performed to an excellent distinction and it was an honour to work alongside them. With your permission I would intend to write to the families, as well as yourself, for those whom made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty.

Captain Coby Morton
Fleet Adjutant,
38th Fleet ‘Argo’