To: Captain Noah Ryan

To: Captain Noah Ryan - Task Force Argo
From: Commander William Levesley - 26th Fleet

Subject: Touching base


I apologies if approaching you seems unorthodox or disturbs your current duties. I am acting as the head of the 26th Fleet's Department of Strategic Operations and Intelligence and wanted to take a moment to touch base with and contact my counterpart or equivalent within Task Force Argo.

Hopefully this can maintain and enhance the spirit of co-operation that exists between our two forces.


Commander William Levesley
26th Fleet Strategic Operations and Intelligence
To: Commander William Levesley - 26th Fleet
From: Captain Noah Ryan - Task Force Argo

Subjsect: Touchin base

Greetings Commander Levesley

I will gladly see what I can do to help you, as fleet co-operations is essential to the full fillment of any all starfleet duties to protect those that can not protect themselves. Let me find out who you need to contact to work effectively with the right person. When will you be available to discuss what you have in mind?

Noah Ryan, Captain