TO: CAPTs Nimitz, Lyn, Mirazuni. | SUBJ: Designated Flagships

To: CAPT Nimitz, A. (@Nimitz); CAPT Mirazuni, A.; CAPT Lyn, I. (@Isadora)
CC: @38th.Command
From: RADM Bishop, S.
Subj: Designated Flagships


For the duration of the occupation of Cero, I have designated your ships as flagships, with the following precedence;

  1. U.S.S. Endeavour
  2. U.S.S. Pegasus
  3. U.S.S. Minerva

Kindly make ready to receive myself and my staff at any given moment. Should your ships be summoned beyond the bounds of the Cero System, I shall remain to maintain our presence within.

Captain Nimitz, with the U.S.S. Endeavour having withdrawn to DS13 for repairs, I shall be arriving aboard your vessel first. Please ensure that the necessary preparations are made for my arrival.


Rear Admiral (Upper Half) Samuel Bishop, PhD
Executive Officer, 38th Fleet ‘Argo’


To: RADM Bishop, S.
CC: @38th.Command
From: CAPT Mirazuni, A.
Subj: RE: Designated Flagships


Captain Mirazuni Ayesha, M.D.
Commanding Officer, USS Endeavour
38th Fleet ‘Argo’

To: CMDR Eunbi, J. (@Eunha)
CC: ~~
From: CAPT Mirazuni, A.
Subj: FWD: Designated Flagships

The Admiral is coming.

You’re in charge of taking care of him. Have fun.

Captain Mirazuni Ayesha, M.D.
Commanding Officer, USS Endeavour
38th Fleet ‘Argo’


To: CAPT Mirazuni, A
From: CMDR Jung, E
Subj: RE: Designated Flagships

I hate you.

CMDR Jung Eunbi
Executive Officer, USS Endeavour

To: ADM Bishop,S
From: CMDR Jung, E
Subj: RE: Designated Flagship

Sam the Captain’s given the pleasure of looking after you during your stay to me!

You will recieve 0 special treatment and I’m going to put you up in a make shift bunk in one of the cargo bays. Hope you enjoy your stay!

Commander Jung Eunbi
Executive Officer, USS Endeavour


To: RADM Bishop
From: CAPT Lyn, Isadora
Subj: RE: Designated Flagship


Order is acknowledged. USS Minerva will make herself available.

I will ensure your staff is taken care of, and that you get everything that’s coming to you.

CAPT Isadora Lyn
Commanding Officer,
USS Minerva