To: CAPT Zarath, T.; CAPT Lyn, I; CMDR Blake, K.
CC: @38th.Command
From: RADM Bishop, S.
Subj: Operation Babington
Captains, Commander,
You are required to prepare your ships to create and maintain viable sensor ghosts, the composition of which will be detailed in the attached brief. You will then position yourself in the following locations.
- U.S.S. Cassini - Tri’Vokil System, with a flight plan moving towards the Cirini Prime System
- U.S.S. Minerva - Tephrei System, with a flight plan moving towards the Agrama System
- U.S.S. Siva - Fvillhaih System, with a flight plan moving towards Sienae System
When a direct order is given, you will follow your flight plans with the sensor ghosts.
Rear Admiral (Upper Half) Samuel Bishop, PhD
Executive Officer, 38th Fleet ‘Argo’
//ATTACHMENT// operationbabington_brief.dat
OOC Operation can take place offscreen or use as an RP hook as you please.