TO CDMR Dellir | SubJ: Squadron Repair plan

To: CMDR Dellir, R @Thrawn215
From: LTJG Zeraav, Z
Subj: Squadron Repair plan

Dear, Commander Dellir, R

It been brought to my attention You and I need to speak about a Repair and Operational plan for the Squadron aboard the USS Hornet. We may discuss this matter under security clearance level two. I propose we involve the crew of the lower deck engineering of the Carrier. To aid in efficacy of Squadron Ship repair. Splitting the crew of lower deck engineers to about twenty five to seventy five ratio. Giving the Internal ship the time of day while also maintaining the Squadron ships During and Not during engagements. If you have any ideas behind this please inform me I appreciate you reading this.

LTJG, Zeraav , Z
Engineering Officer
USS Hornet

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To: LTJG Zeraav, Z.
From: CMDR Dellir, R.
Subj: RE: Squadron Repair plan

Uh… ok. Sure. I wasn’t aware that we needed one, but ok…

In that case, how about using the furthest hangar decks away from the launch deck as the dedicated maintenance decks? Currently they’re sitting unused, as they are for storing additional craft when we don’t have Thrasher and Gato assigned.

CMDR Riasull Dellir
Commander Air Group, Carrier Air Wing 10
USS Hornet

To: CMDR Dellir, R @Thrawn215
From: LTJG Zeraav, Z
Subj: RE: Squadron Repair plan

Commander That sounds like it would do nicely. Now one more thing I would like to discuss for this topic. If a emergency landing ever takes place from battle within the Air wing. Do we have the means to move the damage Ship to the launch deck? If we don’t then I hope we have at the very least a separate runway aboard the USS Hornet. As that will be a Benefit so that we can can attempt to prevent collisions.

LTJG, Zeraav , Z
Engineering Officer
USS Hornet

To: LTJG Zeraav, Z.
From: CMDR Dellir, R.
Subj: RE: Squadron Repair plan

Yeah, ok so, in the case of an emergency landing, Pri-Fly will activate the arresting tractor beams on the landing side of the ship. These will bring the craft to an immediate stop. Think of it like a controlled crash. From there, roof mounted tractor beams will transfer the craft to one of the lifts, which in turn will then remove the craft from the launch deck and up or down to one of the maintenance hangars. Does that answer your question?

CMDR Riasull Dellir
Commander Air Group, Carrier Air Wing 10
USS Hornet

To: CMDR Dellir, R @Thrawn215
From: LTJG Zeraav, Z
Subj: RE: Squadron Repair plan

That it does Commander Thank you for informing me of the air wing and Ship functions I shall be sending in a message to the captain that this has been handled. Have a good rest of the day.

LTJG, Zeraav , Z
Engineering Officer
USS Hornet