To: CMDR Dellir, R (@Thrawn215)
From: CAPT Vel, L
Subj: Operation Hydra
I require you to design an operational plan regarding the capture of four pirate leaders at one time, in one location in deep space. All resources of the 10th Carrier Air Wing are at your disposal for this mission. Goal is capture, not destruction. Please have plan ready for execution on Stardate 101106.3. Please see attached data file for targets.
Captain Lunya Vel
Commanding Officer,
USS Hornet NCC-97556
//ATTACHMENT// HydraTrgts.dat
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To: CAPT Vel, L.
From: CMDR Dellir, R.
Subj: RE: Operation Hydra
Copy that. From the capture aspect of the mission, I would also like to request use of Thrasher as a troop carrier to assist. Otherwise, you will have my mission plan within the hour.
CMDR Riasull Dellir
Commander Air Group, Carrier Air Wing 10
USS Hornet
To: CMDR Dellir, R (@Thrawn215)
CC: CMDR zh’Vhenda, K
From: CAPT Vel, L
Subj: RE: Operation Hydra
Thrasher will be made available for this assignment. Gato will be held in reserve for carrier defense and should be considered unavailable. I have attached Commander zh’Vhenda to this message chain so that she is aware and can make preparations.
Captain Lunya Vel
Commanding Officer,
USS Hornet NCC-97556
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