TO CMDR Kala | Overdue personal Message

To: CMDR Kala, S. (@Kala)
From: CAPT Sh’ow, H.
Subj: I screwed up


This is overdue I know it is, with losing the Defender and everything around that I got caught up and sadly this slipped my mind.

When you have time let me know, I would like a chance to explain things in person, maybe over a coffee or a meal? there are plenty of places on the station, even a Bajoran place.

I know I should have contacted you sooner… I am really sorry, I included the AAR of what happened, I have a few injures but am alive.

Hope to see you soon

I love you

H’Ltol Sh’ow.

//ATTACHMENT// AAR: It's Warpin' Time

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To: Captain Sh’ow, H. @HLtol
From: CMDR Kala, S.
Subj: RE: I screwed up


Please, my dear, remember to call me when something like this happens. I was in a very important meeting today when I found out. I didn’t know if you were alive or well or anything.

I would have rather known something than nothing. I’m sure you will make it up to me… you have a habbit of doing so, but you are most definitely in the cat box this time!

with all my love

Kala, Sejea Segga
Commanding Officer,
USS Ecstasea NCC-69669