TO: CMDR Kodon, LT B'atar | SUBJ: Scouting orders

Security Level 2 - Confidential

TO CMDR Kodon, LT B'atar
CC CAPT Egzo, Merc Alyss
FROM CAPT Sadia Cynis

SUBJ Scouting orders

I've got a report from Alyss regarding some cosm space beastie you've encountered during the scouting mission in the Breen territory. Logs she provided are worrisome - even through that thing tore up some enemy vessels, who knows when it decides our vessels are a nice snack?
Therefore, your new orders are to find out as much as you can about this creature - where did it come from, is anyone controlling it and how we can either use it to our advantage or remove it by any means necessary. Alyss has pinpointed two systems in the Breen space that could be worth investigating, I suggest you start your search there. I will see if I can find someone who specializes in xenobiology/space creatures to assist you in your efforts.
In the meantime, Qib squadron will take over the scouting of Nar system. Myself and CMDR Bara will be heading to Ventraxian front to support our and Alarian forces. Inform me as soon as you find anything of note.

Good hunting,

CAPT Sadia Cynis
Commander of task force Hurq Mevik