TO: CMDR sh'Zarath | SUBJ: Project Teleraptor

Security Level 2 - Confidential
Stardate 95342.5

TO CMDR sh'Zarath
CC ADM Amiri ; CMDR Verlin
FROM CAPT M. Keller, U.S.S. Lamia
SUBJ Project Teleraptor


I just received notice that Cmdr. Verlin is looking forward to proceed with the new phase of Project Teleraptor, and that for this she needs assistance from one of the fleet's vessel. I have carefully read the requirements such a vessel should have in order to perform the assigned task, and I believe the Lamia may be of assistance.
Our deflector system is among the newest and most advanced ones in Starfleet, and we have all the necessary equipment and laboratories to perform all kinds of analysis and to collect all necessary data. I thus wish to volunteer my ship and my crew for the task, if Adm. Amiri (which I have CCd to this mail together with Cmdr. Verlin) will authorize it.
I am at your complete disposal for any inquiry or doubt you may have, Commander.
Live long and prosper


CAPT M. Keller
Commanding Officer
U.S.S. Lamia