TO: CMDR sh'Zarath | SUBJ: Silithium/Verteron Study

Security Level 1 - Open

TO: CMDR Tellara sh'Zarath
SUBJ: Silithium/Verteron Study


My work on the silithium procurement project has produced some interesting results, notably that there may be a possibility of "replicating" it from energy by utilizing verteron-generating technology, if the conditions of their interaction can be nailed down and reverse-engineered. I'm sure you've been reviewing my lab notes with interest already but I've attached them here as well for your perusal.

In short, I've done some lab-scale testing of silithium/verteron interactions, but for further study and experiment I require much more power than can be produced in a lab or even on DS13. To that end I would like to request permission to travel to Deep Space 9 in order to study the Bajoran wormhole, as it has an unusually high and powerful, but known, concentration of verteron particles, and has been known to interact with silithium. I believe we can harness at least the wormhole's knowledge, if not its actual power, to conduct larger-scale experiments in synthesizing silithium by using verteron particles.

Ensign Sorik
Geologist, Deep Space Thirteen

Stardate 95443.9
Security Level 1: Open
TO ENS Sorik
CC ~~
SUBJ RE: Silithium/Verteron Study


Please come and see me to go over this proposal in greater depth. Due to project changes and developments, this research may be subsumed into a larger project, and I would like to discuss your previous results before allowing you to submit a new proposal.

Strength and Valour,

Lieutenant Commander Throk Fozka
Chief Science Officer, Deep Space 13
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Security Level 2 - Confidential

TO: LCDR Throk Fozka
SUBJ: Silithium/Verteron Study Proposal

Lieutenant Commander,

Per our conversation on Stardate 95483.4, please see below for an updated research proposal.

Utilizing Verteron Particles to Synthesize Pure Silithium: A Research Proposal

Silithium is a relatively rare mineral in the galaxy, found only in small quantities in inconsistent locations, such as within comets. Project Slethi, proposed by 38th Fleet engineering, has requested the procurement of large quantities of pure silithium for use in defending against weaponized verteron beams as used by the Confederacy of Azed. Attempts to locate large deposits of silithium, and to synthesize silithium using traditional lab chemistry have been unsuccessful and would be impractical for large-volume production. However, silithium's interaction with verteron particles may give clues as to how silithium may be synthesized.

Research Question:
Can Silithium be synthesized by reverse-engineering its interaction with verteron particles? Can the study of such an interaction shed clues as to the exact conditions under which silithium is destroyed, and thus provide a method for creating it instead?

Research Methodology:
Before verterons can be used to create silithium, I will need to study the exact nature of their interactions so I can understand the chemical and physical conditions under which verterons destroy silithium. This can be accomplished on a small scale in the lab, which has already been attempted, but it was not high enough energy or large enough to yield accurate data. By utilizing the Bajoran wormhole, a known source of verteron particles and a documented (and stable) verteron-silithium interaction, to measure interactions, I should be able to create enough data at high enough quality to produce an accurate model for the interaction, which can then be used to reverse the reaction.

Plan of Work and Time Shedule:
Phase I of the project would include establishing lab space on Deep Space 9 and gathering equipment and materials. Estimated time: 1 week.
Phase II would consist of observation and measurement of the wormhole, especially its verteron output, to establish a baseline profile in terms of energy levels and consistency. Estimated time: 2 weeks.
Phase III would consist of exposing samples of silithium to the wormhole's energy and observing the reactions. In order to gather sufficient data, estimated time for this phase would be 1 month.
Phase IV would consist of utilizing the wormhole's verteron energy to attempt to synthesize silithium based on the data from Phase III, though further data collection of interactions from Phase III may continue to refine results as well. Estimated time: 1 month.
If the project is a success, then further steps must be taken to adapt our methods to an industrial setting for bulk silithium production. This should be done in conjunction with, or by handing the project off to, the engineering department. Also recommend collaborating with engineering to determine feasibility of maximizing efficiency to make it possible to utilize DS13's resources to produce silithium rather than relying on the higher-energy Bajoran wormhole.

Ensign Sorik
Geologist, Deep Space Thirteen
TO ENS Sorik
CC CMDR J. Kermit
SUBJ RE: Silithium/Verteron Study Proposal


Your plan is approved. Please let me know if you require transportation arrangements. Good Luck.

Strength and Valour,

Lieutenant Commander Throk Fozka
Chief Science Officer, Deep Space 13
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