To: CMDR T'Press | Subj: Cadet Tierno Interviews

Stardate 94897.5
Security Level 3 - Restricted

FROM CMDR Leveson-Scott, M. E.

SUBJ Cadet Tierno Interviews


In light of recent revelations to come out of the first interview conducted with the incarcerated cadet, I would recommend that we continue to at least observe and assist in Command's investigation, if not take lead for further interviews. There are still a lot of unanswered questions which I for one would rather not leave unresolved - particularly as it has become apparent that we are dealing with a new species' first contact protocol, and not simply a manipulated cadet.

Further to this, I wish to conduct an independent inquiry regarding the cadet herself. Whilst her testimony proves hard to swallow in the light of current circumstances, it is consistent with known facts and I believe that the preliminary charge of espionage may be unwarranted; as you will no doubt recall, a number of her previous transmissions were intercepted by this department and the content verified now against her testimony (accounting for translation discrepancies, of course). My concern is that the charge may not hold up to scrutiny when considered in the context of the information actually taken; as this is almost entirely personal opinion and/or observation of public events. By Starfleet defenition: Espionage is the practice of spying or of using spies, typically by governments to obtain political and military information, and from what has been learned so far, no such information has obtained and/or shared with the Junayd.

Given the girl's exemplary service record during her time here, I believe we should at least consider a more open approach to this situation and even if Command does not see fit to hold on to her; I would highlight that she has demonstrated an exceptional skillset in the capability of infiltrating the heart of a Starfleet operation, in layman's terms; she fooled us all. I believe if nothing else, she could prove to be a valuable asset to the Office in the case that her claimed loyalty to Starfleet can be verified.


Commander Leveson-Scott, M.E. II
Starfleet Office of Intelligence, DS13
Security Level 3: Restricted

TO CMDR Leveson-Scott
SUBJ RE: Cadet Tierno Interviews


I find your analysis of the current situation regarding Cadet Tierno to be flawed. I am uncertain if there is an 'official' Starfleet definition of espionage, but even by the one you supply, the Cadet has been found in trespass. She communicated with the Junayd about Starfleet's (1) intention to meet with Azedi government representatives as well as (2) the exact time and location that the Azedi fleet would be present in the starbase system.

If you do not consider or understand this to be a direct consequence of "[a] government ... obtain[ing] political and military information", then I must admit I have no idea what does constitute thus.

All of this is irrelevant given that I have no authority on any matters concerning Cadet Tierno, intelligence or otherwise. You will need to submit your petition to Fleet Command and JAG directly.

CMDR T'Press
Department Head
DS13 Intelligence
Stardate 94898.7
Security Level 3 - Restricted

TO CMDR T'Press; VADM Perim
FROM CMDR Leveson-Scott, M. E.

SUBJ Re: Cadet Tierno Interviews


I believe I had communicated an accommodation of said facts in my initial message under the caveat 'and/or observation of public events'. Given the level of public protest and civil unrest leading up to the conference, one could hardly quantify it as anything but public knowledge - which can be problematic to enforce espionage charges against under certain legal precedents - equally so for the time of her last message stating that the Azedi were 'here', whilst the conference was very clearly under way.

Though I feel I must still highlight that it was not my intent to portray any personal assessment in that initial statement, but rather simply to highlight a potential flaw in the current judgement depending on the context in which the case file is read; a concern which still stands, and so I have also included VADM Perim in this communique per your recommendation.

Vice Admiral,

If I can be of further and/or additional service with this ongoing investigation (per my initial message to Commander T'Press), please advise and I shall endeavour to assist.


Commander Leveson-Scott, M.E. II
Starfleet Office of Intelligence, DS13
Security Level 3 - Restricted

TO CMDR Leveson-Scott

SUBJ Re: Cadet Tierno Interviews


Let me begin by reminding you that according to the report which you helped compile, the individual you are referring to is not Cadet Tierno. Cadet Tierno has been missing in action for more than a year, and is in all likelihood deceased. To continue referring to her impostor as such is an insult to Rianni's memory.

The list of possible offenses for JAG to choose from in this case are sufficiently numerous to leave me with the distinct impression that a 'not guilty' verdict is extremely unlikely. However, if you'd like to volunteer to join the Junayd impostor's legal defense, I'm quite certain that you won't have to wait in line.

Regarding the impostor herself, I admit that she is a potentially useful source of intelligence. You may coordinate with Commander T'Press and Captain Quint to arrange a series of interrogations. It may also be helpful to arrange a medical examination. If your personal fondness for the impostor becomes an issue, a decision to recuse yourself from the case would not be held against you. I look forward to reading your results.

Vice Admiral Neema Perim
Commanding, 38th Fleet
Stardate 94900.1
Security Level 3 - Restricted

FROM CMDR Leveson-Scott, M. E.

SUBJ Re: Cadet Tierno Interviews

Vice Admiral,

Thank you for acknowledging the potential value in a continued investigation, I will liaise with the Captain per your instruction.

Since it has now been directly stated, may I just clarify for the record: I am uncertain where this impression of 'fondness' as you put it, comes from; whilst I am aware of her development since arriving with us, I have in fact never met her formally. My only fondness Admiral, is for the truth - so if my efforts to retain a neutral objectivity in assessment of this case have presented any such betrayal of personal feeling as you appear to have been given the impression of - then I apologize. I appreciate that emotions are high across the board at present when it comes to this subject, but that is all the more reason I determine the importance of maintaining said objectivity.


Commander Leveson-Scott, M.E. II
Starfleet Office of Intelligence, DS13