TO: CMDR Verlin, K. | SUBJ: Project Teleraptor Improvements

Security Level 2 - Confidential

TO: CMDR Verlin, K.
SUBJ: Project Teleraptor Improvements


I need you to investigate possible methods for improving our wormhole generation so as to provide a better platform for testing improvements to the Teleraptor project. The end result we need to see is an increase to the aperture opening of equal size to an Azedi vessel, as well as to increase the distance that these wormholes can span, to ensure our test is as accurate as possible. Ideally the resulting wormhole will also need to be stable enough for at least a single traversal to replicate the conditions as best possible.

As laid out in this theory: Project Teleraptor: Milestone One Theory Submission, I believe the best course of action would be to utilise the known tetryon interactions with pulsar class stellar objects similar to the experiments utilised by Starfleet Communications during Project Voyager and Project Watson. Their work is detailed and they were able to create a microwormhole that spanned almost 60,000 light-years. I'm hopeful by spanning a shorter distance, we might be able to create a larger usable aperture.

I will make arrangements to speak with Command for requisition of a Fleet vessel, as neither the Atlantis or Asimov will have the power generation or deflector capacity to carry out this experiment.

Commander Tellara sh'Zarath
Chief Science Officer, Deep Space Thirteen
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Security Level 2 - Confidential

TO CMDR T. sh'Zarath
CC ~~
SUBJ RE: Project Teleraptor Improvements


I acknowledge your message. However, I have several concerns and points I must raise with you before I proceed.

My main concern revolves around the physical constraint of time in regards to having to create a project plan, safely test everything and follow standard safety procedure. You are likely looking at two months by the time I have come up with the initial plan and hypothesis, cross-referenced it, generated another two plans for contingencies and to correct any errors or flaws in the original plan, and this is just for the initial theoretical tests. I then have to get with the practical physics and the engineers to work at creating an actual working test model, then that needs to be tested before we even look at using a spaceship.
Commander if you had told me you wanted this four months ago, we still would be miles away from testing on a spaceship as these types of things always have to go back to the drawing board even when it's not a new science.

In regards to what you want me to do, once I have created the project plan and have a hypothesis to work from, you are asking me to figure out how to punch a hole through the fabric of subspace blind. With respect, this is just simply impossible and foolhardy to expect in regards to such an unknown field, even with the work done already on the project and in regards to Projects Voyager and Watson this is a completely different avenue of the science you want me to go down. At the moment Project Teleraptor focused on only closing them when they were opened, this is an entirely different science you want me to create.
Moreover, I shouldn't have to tell you that if I do this and it works, this science can never be put back in the box and that is not a good thing in this situation. In regards to the sociopolitical ramifications of developing controllable artificial wormholes, if we can't keep them stable enough to travel through them what we are doing here could then serve as the basis for work on perfecting this which would dramatically shift the balance of power in the Galaxy forever.

Moreover, in regards to the hypothesis, despite what you have stated on your project proposal you have specified the aim of the project, not an actual hypothesis.
An example of this would be you have told me to go from A to B using a shuttle; this is a project aim. The hypothesis for this scenario would be along the lines of getting the shuttle, plan a route to B via C, test shuttle going to C then go all the way.

Commander Keri Verlin, PhD
Astrophysicist, Deep Space 13
Security Level 2 - Confidential

TO: CMDR Verlin, K.
SUBJ: RE: Project Teleraptor Improvements


This is not a new science, nor is it an overly complicated task. You should have reviewed the original Teleraptor documentation when I announced we would be focusing on improvements to the project, and you would clearly see that all of the groundwork has been laid already. We are simply utilising a pulsar as an external power source to improve the power available to the formation of a wormhole aperture.

You are not being expected to "punch a hole through subspace blind" as all the work has been done already, and it is replicable. The only difference between what is being asked here, and what has been done before is the distance, and the aperture size. You mention "the sociopolitical ramifications of developing controllable artificial wormholes", a technology which has been available to the Federation for over 40 years, however it can not be used in a realistic environment as the power requirements and safety considerations are far too complex for a Federation Starship to carry out by itself, however other galactic powers, such as the Borg and indeed Azedi are able to do this. Wormholes, like any other singularity dissipate over time, and given on a stellar scale we are putting paltry amounts of power into our wormhole generation is a moot point.

If you do not believe you are the correct person for this project, let me know and I shall reassign it to someone else. Otherwise, I expect to see a hypothesis by next week.

Commander Tellara sh'Zarath
Chief Science Officer, Deep Space Thirteen
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Security Level 2 - Confidential

TO CMDR T. sh'Zarath
CC CAPT Caspius
SUBJ RE: Project Teleraptor Improvements


You say this is not an overly complicated task which can only mean you do not understand fully what you are asking me to do. Yes, there is some groundwork already laid out but nowhere near enough to do what you want me to do, this is not as simple as just plugging in a bigger battery here.

The only work Starfleet has in terms of creating full wormholes ended with it becoming unstable after 23.4 seconds, so yes this is still an unknown science as you are asking me to create a stable wormhole. The only way anyone in Starfleet has been able to create a wormhole is if it was a micro-wormhole which is only because at the size it is not going to collapse under its gravitational weight. Other Galactic forces can do it due to different technology and not having to care about the lives of those they are sending through the wormhole, hopefully unlike your self. Moreover, you say about the safety considerations of using wormholes yet expect to carry out using them on a spaceship.

Commander, I had hoped you understood the process for these things especially in regards to the fact they can not be rushed without skipping safety and standard operating procedures. You will have my hypothesis and project plan once they have been created in at least a month times.

I have copied the Captain into this chain to make sure they are aware of the safety concerns revolving around what you are asking me to do, and that anyone who offers a hypothesis, project plan or even a working model quickly have not follower Starfleet safety procedures or have cut corners and thus increased the risk this project already has for the lives of the crew on whatever ship it is to be used on.

Commander Keri Verlin, PhD
Astrophysicist, Deep Space 13
TO CMDR Verlin
CC CMDR Kermit, CMDR sh'Zarath
SUBJ. Project Teleraptor Improvements

Commander Verlin,

You have received a legitimate order from your superior officer. You are expected and required to carry it out to the best of your ability.

Nowhere in Commander sh'Zarath's orders are there instructions which contravene protocol or safety guidelines. Your attempt to refer this to me on those grounds is specious. If you feel unable to perform the task you have been assigned within expected protocols, then you should follow her orders--as you are required to do--and inform her that you cannot perform the task she requests, so that she can then attempt to find someone who believes themselves capable of carrying out her orders.

In addition, it appears from your communique that a reminder about respecting your superior officers and the chain of command is in order, to wit:

1. The tone you have adopted towards your department chief demonstrates a lack of respect and a lack of professionalism; and,

2. If you have an unresolveable problem with your department chief, you should refer those problems to the station's Executive Officer, as he is the immediate superior of your department chief. Your attempt to circumvent Commander Kermit's authority demonstrates a lack of respect towards him and towards the chain of command more generally. I have included him in this communique exchange so that he may be made aware of your concerns.

These expectations you will find to be consistent across Starfleet assignments, and I expect and require them of you as well.

Captain Caspius
Starbase Commander, Deep Space 13
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Security Level 2 - Confidential

TOCAPT Caspius
CC CMDR T. sh'Zarath; CMDR J. Kermit
SUBJ RE: Project Teleraptor Improvements


I apologise for skipping past Commander Kermit but not for bringing this to your attention. I am sorry if you misread the tone of my messages, I have nothing but respect for the position of the chief science officer, and yes I may be blunt but that is just my way as it is for a large number of others in this field. Nowhere in my messages did I say I would not attempt to follow the commander's orders just that the timeframe they want is impossible for anyone following safety guidelines to do.

Again, as I have said, the orders don't directly break the safety guidelines them self but the time frame for the orders does. Due to the amount of time that is required to plan the main plan, backup plans and to test and test again before even looking at a field test, you are looking at least a month before stage one planning is ready to be tested in a lab. Anyone who has served for any length of time in the sciences should be able to tell you the same.
The only problem I have, if any, with the commander, is their unavailingly to meet with me in person despite offering a chance to meet with them and to share my first-hand knowledge of the department.

I would also hope your words of respect go both ways as it does not set a good precedent for superiors to be allowed to call into question the ability of their subordinates because they have been told what they have asked for is impossible.

Commander Kermit, let me again apologise for any unmet offence caused by jumping straight to the Captain, I believed the possible breach of safety guidelines when dealing with such an unknown and dangerous science warranted it.

Commander Keri Verlin, PhD
Astrophysicist, Deep Space 13
TO CMDR Verlin
CC CMDR Kermit, CMDR sh'Zarath
SUBJ. Project Teleraptor Improvements

Commander Verlin,

You write that "that the timeframe {CMDR sh'Zarath wants} is impossible for anyone following safety guidelines". You neglect to include that this is in your opinion. Evidently, it is CMDR sh'Zarath's opinion that it is possible, or she would presumably not have issued such an order. The chain of command dictates that it is her opinion which deserves support in this case.

This is not to suggest that CMDR sh'Zarath is incapable of being wrong. It is entirely possible that her orders are absurd and that the amount of time she is allowing is insufficient to complete the task safely or at all. However, if that is the case, the result will be either a) her failure to complete the task, or b) her attempt to violate safety protocols in order to complete the task. In either case, she will face the consequences. But, if she does, she will be brought to account by her superior officers, not by her subordinates in her own department. That is how the chain of command works.

Your duty is to attempt to carry out her orders to the best of your ability in a way consistent with Starfleet expectations and protocols. If you are unable to complete the task in the time allotted, CMDR sh'Zarath will address that and make a determination as to whether you were at fault, or whether the task was not possible. If you feel her conclusions are unreasonable at that time, you can appeal to CMDR Kermit (I note that CMDR sh'Zarath has--very generously--given you option of declining the task, if you believe you cannot perform it; I would not have been so accomodating).

Likewise, in response to the hypothetical failure described above, my duty would be to address the failure of the department to carry out this task, for which CMDR sh'Zarath is responsible. And I, too, would have to make a determination about whether the time allotted was insufficient, or if the Department Chief had failed to do all that could be done, consistent with Starfleet operating procedures. I would not be held to account by CMDR sh'Zarath; likewise she is not accountable to you. We report to our superiors, not the reverse.

It is my intention that this communique should resolve any lingering confusion about what is expected in this circumstance, and where our individual duty lies. We must all, at times, attempt to carry out orders that we think are unreasonable or even impossible. Indeed, some of the most important orders issued are those which seem (and may even be) impossible. But this does not free us of the obligation to attempt them nevertheless. Many lives may depend upon us doing so unquestioningly.

Captain Caspius
Starbase Commander, Deep Space 13
Security Level 2 - Confidential

TO: CAPT Caspius, CMDR Verlin, K.
CC: CMDR Kermit, J.
SUBJ: RE: Project Teleraptor Improvements


I regret you being involved in this chain of communication. I truest your lesson of etiquette has been received and noted by Commander Verlin.

Commander Verlin, do realise once again, I am ordering a hypothesis by the end of the week, not a completed experiment, however we must now make some headway on this. For all we know, the Azedi may have perfected their countermeasures by now. Your safety concerns have been noted and I trust you will uphold the finest traditions of Starfleet upholding safety standards and the ability I expect from each and every one of the scientists serving in my department.

I am always available should you request a meeting with a time, or to simply meet me in the labs during the day. I have spent the past number of hours onboard various locations within the Starbase and to my knowledge no attempt has been made to discuss anything with myself.

Commander Tellara sh'Zarath
Chief Science Officer, Deep Space Thirteen