TO: FOB Kargas: Extended leave

TO FOB Kargas
FROM Cpt. Soychoo
SUBJ Extended leave


I went to my wretched doctor to see about getting back on duty but he claims that at my age, I can't rush things like this. After wrecking his clinic, I finally came to the conclusion that he is right and that I need an extended leave of absence. My doctor says Casperia Prime will do wonders for my health, I suppose I'll have to go since I'm under orders.

Gah! I'm a warrior, not a frail old man as some see me. The battles scars from the Iconian War may have hurt me but I still have a few good years left of fighting left in me. I've been around so long, our glorious FOB was still an afterthought on an engineers tablet, now look at our mighty base!

I shall return as soon as I am given a clean bill of health.

Cpt. Soychoo

//ATTACHMENT//Doctors note