TO: Forrestal Crew | SUBJ: Update

To: @USS.Forrestal
From: CAPT Vel, L
Subj: Update

Greetings Crew,

I hope that your stay on Risa, or wherever you are taking your leave, finds you rested and relaxed! You have all earned this vacation, and it was definitely needed. On that note, some updates before we embark once more on Stardate 100574

First and foremost, the ship has been repaired (or is being repaired currently), and we will have systems to test and make sure we are up to mission spec. Departmental heads will need to forward me their readiness reports no less than 72 hours after departure from Deep Space 13.

Secondly, we are returning to peacetime fighter compliment, so VFA 21 and VFA 201 have departed the ship. I have nothing but thanks for them, as they performed admirably during our recent war time service.

Finally, I will be trying to get us more scientific and diplomatic assignments. I am sure that most of you are getting tired of seeing the galaxy from the end of a phaser, so hopefully we can do what we all actually signed on for, explore and meet new people!

Enjoy the last few days of leave, and I will see you all aboard ship soon.

Captain Lunya Vel
Commanding Officer,
USS Forrestal NCC-98417