TO: LCDR Sedai | SUBJ: Transfer of Prisoners

Security Level 2 - Confidential

TO LCDR Katriel Sedai
CC --
FROM Matriarch Pholora
SUBJ Transfer of Prisoners


Though we have never met, I greet you as a kindred spirit. My advisors counsel that you were part of your Federation's ill-fated attempt to establish an embassy here. Unlike some of my Conclave, I do not hold you or your team responsible for the Orion attack that occurred upon your last visit, so let us begin anew, as two entities who hold the interests of our people dear and seek a satisfying and mutually beneficial resolution.

You hold in trust for us a number of prisoners. These prisoners are suspected of stealing a large quantity of juleki from one of our agricultural installations. In the process of firing upon our security forces, they destroyed an empty harvesting habit and killed two of our citizens. I have attached the recording of this assault upon Katori IX so there will be no confusion about the nature of this crime.

I would like to coordinate with you to transfer these prisoners to our custody. Upon the successful completion of this transfer, I would also like to coordinate with you and your diplomatic corps to resume the task of planning an embassy here on Katori IX.


Matriarch of the Golden Citron
Katori IX

//ATTACHMENT// incriminating.vid
CC --
FROM LT Morgan
SUBJ Katori Contact

Hi, Commander,

I saw the communique from the Katori Matriarch pass through the filter and wanted to give you a summary of the information we've collected on the Hauden since they arrived here.

Medical stabilized the survivors with the supply of plant matter they had on board. They've figured out a way to stretch the dosage a little further than the Hauden were doing, but they're still going to run out in a couple of months. There's a team working on the possibility of a synthetic replacement, but it doesn't look hopeful; the key phytochemicals can't be replicated. For the forseeable future, the Hauden will need a steady supply of that stuff to keep their condition from deteriorating.

Using Sublieutenant Shiarrael's analysis, the botany lab tried to replicate growing conditions for the plant to see if we could grow it here. The plant can grow in regular substrate, but it won't flower or produce the phytochemicals the Hauden need without the presence of a really finicky combination of microbes and minerals that naturally occur on Katori IX.

According to the Hauden, they've tried to put down roots and grow this stuff themselves three times in two generations, but they can't ever make it work for long and their numbers have gone down. Now their population's so small and it takes such big concentrations of the stuff to get the job down, they're afraid they don't have the manpower to keep a crop going on their own. We could provide the mechanical backup if we can find a good place for them to grow it, but so far the survey people have come up empty.

Their ship is in one piece again. The Hauden had a hydroponics facility that was pretty well wrecked during the firefight with the Katori. Engineering patched them up and can get it working again, but it produces so slowly it can only supply a few of them. They have a bunch of stasis tubes they stick people in when they don't have enough of the stuff to keep everyone up and going, and per our investigation team they were pretty close to empty when they hit Katori IX; one of the reasons it took so long to evacuate them was getting them out of failing stasis tubes.

The Hauden opted to stay together instead of taking individual quarters, so Ops rigged up a habitat in a corner of Cargo Bay 11. They've been pretty good houseguests. Mostly they're all just happy to be awake at once. Their captain's out of sickbay now and he and the first officer, Lem, have already agreed to go back to Katori if it means the rest of the group goes free.

I hope this helps. Let me know if you need anything else.

Edward Morgan, LT
Operations Officer, Deep Space 13
//ATTACHMENT// Hauden Medical Summary.rpt
//ATTACHMENT// Hauden Horticultural Summary.rpt
//ATTACHMENT// Marisan Melody Repair Summary.rpt
Security Level 2 - Confidential

TO Matriarch Pholora
CC LT Morgan; <38th/Diplomatic Corps>
SUBJ Re: Transfer of Prisoners

Good evening, Matriarch. I am pleased to make your acquaintance, though I wish it were under better circumstances.

I do hold you and your people in high esteem, so I hope we are able to come to a suitable arrangement. Unfortunately, granting your request as specified would be counter to the values that I serve, given the medical condition of the Hauden survivors. Releasing to them to you at this point is beyond my authority. I have therefore asked for a representative of the Diplomatic Corps to step in and handle negotiations with you.

I do wish to renew the offer that I had made previously, however, to Captain Lissa. We would be more than amenable to hosting any Katori representatives that you wanted to send and provide you with a suitable venue and anything else you would need to host a fair trial here on station. Beyond that, only the Diplomatic Corps can help decide.

LCDR Sedai, Katriel
Deep Space 13
Security Level 2 - Confidential

TO LCDR Katriel Sedai
CC --
FROM Matriarch Pholora
SUBJ Re: Transfer of Prisoners


I am pleased that you hold us in such high esteem, despite how brief your stay with us was and its unpleasant outcome. I am disappointed that permitting criminals to face justice is counter to the values you serve, but in the interest of the renewed diplomatic affections between our peoples, I will give your suggestion consideration. I have questions.

  • Our peace officer relayed this news of an illness among the prisoners. What is the nature of this illness, and what is the relationship of the herb juleki to this illness?

  • Holding a trial on your starbase is worthless, in function or symbolism, if a guilty verdict does not result in immediate remand of the criminals to our custody. Will your values permit you to honor this?

  • If thieves accosted one of your colonies and killed two inhabitants, would you not insist they return to face your justice? What would sway you from this path? We are not unreasonable. Offer it to me.

I await the Federation response.


Matriarch of the Golden Citron
Katori IX
Security Level 2 - Confidential

TO Matriarch Pholora
BCC <38th/Diplomatic Corps>
SUBJ Re: Re: Transfer of Prisoners


Many of your questions are beyond my ability to answer. One thing I can say, however, is that the United Federation of Planets has generally outlawed capital punishment, which if I recall correctly, was a potential consequence if a guilty verdict should be reached. For this reason alone, I imagine the Federation would be very reluctant to give over custody to the Katori. But again, the diplomatic corps would know more than me on this front.

The illness is something I can speak more of. All of the Hauden, from the oldest to the youngest, are suffering from a neurogenerative wasting disease which will ultimately be fatal to each of them. No cure exists as of yet and we have no promising leads for one. However, the Hauden did develop a treatment that restores much of their health and prolongs their lives significantly, though every individual will need this regimen for their rest of their days.

Unfortunately, synthesis of the pharmaceuticals is completely dependent on the juleki plant and the particular growing conditions on Katori itself. We have not been able to replicate these conditions, nor have we been successful in locating the herb growing elsewhere just yet. This is the unfortunate reason why the Hauden concluded that they must target Katori's crops.

I thank you for your patience, Matriarch, as I contact the diplomatic corps for an appropriate representative.

LCDR Sedai, Katriel
Deep Space 13
Security Level 1 - Open

TO Matriarch Pholora
CC --
FROM Ambassador Perim

SUBJ Katori-Hauden Relations

Greetings Matriarch Pholora,

I am Ambassador Neema Perim, representing the United Federation of Planets. I regret that lines of communication between our people have been idle for so long, but I am grateful for the opportunity to reestablish a dialog now.

Regarding the Hauden currently under Federation care, I wish to provide some context to their situation. It is their assertion that they are the last few survivors from a destroyed world. They have been wandering for generations in search of a cure to the disease that Commander Sedai cited in her previous message. The only known treatment for their condition is synthesized from what they call "calor wheat", your juleki. When they came upon Katori IX and discovered a large quantity of the crop, their Captain believed he had no choice but to take it to ensure the survival of his people and his species. Obviously and especially in hindsight there were potentially better alternative courses of action, but the threat of extinction tends to create an urgency that leads to desperate actions.

The Hauden and the Federation deeply regret the loss of Katori lives. You should be aware, however, that two Hauden lost their lives as well, during the pursuit of their vessel. Further, many more of them will die without proper medical care and all of them will die without access to the juleki.

The Federation's own history is littered with examples of unfortunate and sometimes disastrous first encounters. Too much harm has been done over this misunderstanding already, and I believe the best path forward for both the Katori and the Hauden is one of compassion and diplomacy. To that end, we would ask the people of Katori IX to accept the Hauden's most sincere apology for their accidental transgressions. In return, on behalf of the Hauden, the Federation is willing to compensate Katori IX for the loss of life, equipment, and property. It is my hope that we may also come to an arrangement to purchase a quantity of the juleki crop to ensure the continued existence of the Hauden species.

Thank you for your consideration, Matriarch, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Neema Perim
Federation Ambassador

Security Level 1 - Open

TO Katori Assembly, Katori Prime
CC --
FROM Ambassador Perim

SUBJ Katori IX Diplomatic Status

Honored Assemblywomen,

I am Ambassador Neema Perim, representing the United Federation of Planets. I regret that lines of communication between our people have been idle for so long, and that it is under such unfortunate circumstances that I must contact you.

The Federation is currently attempting to mediate a dispute between Katori IX and a people known as the Hauden. Though we were uninvolved in the initial incident, their conflict brought ships from both sides into Federation space and we were obliged to attempt to find a peaceful solution.

As the Federation's prior relationship with the Katori System was the Katori Assembly, we were quite surprised to be contacted by a representative of Katori IX directly. In the interest of avoiding any impropriety, I would like to request clarification on the current diplomatic status of Katori Prime and the Katori IX colony.

Neema Perim
Federation Ambassador
Security Level 2 - Confidential

TO Ambassador Perim
CC --
FROM Matriarch Pholora
SUBJ Re: Transfer of Prisoners


There is no compensation you could offer for the lives of our citizens, and we have no need of your assistance to rebuild our own creations. We desired to provide peace to the families of our fallen and reassure our people that they need not fear foreign invaders.

I'm not insensible to the tragedy of the Hauden. Knowledge of their motivations has circulated from my council to many here on Katori IX and even to the homeworld. There is sympathy for them, even understanding, but that will never bloom into true forgiveness until justice has been served with a trial in the sunlight of our home.

Accepting a second-hand apology from the Federation on the Hauden's behalf, regardless of how politely it is offered, is unsatisfactory. You speak freely of compensation, so I shall speak in similar terms. I will assure you a steady supply of juleki for the Hauden in return for the immediate transfer of the captain and first officer of the vessel that attacked us to our custody.

I await your response.

Matriarch of the Golden Citron
Katori IX

Security Level 2 - Confidential

TO Ambassador Perim
CC --
FROM Matriarch Orvola
SUBJ Re: Katori IX Diplomatic Status

Ambassador Perim of the Federation,

Matriarch Pholora has autonomy to speak for the Katori IX colony she serves. She does not speak for us.

We have no interest in further entanglement with the Federation.

We respect Pholora's right to address the concerns of Katori IX. Delivering the criminals to her will resolve this issue. If this cannot be accomplished, no further contact is necessary or desired.

Matriarch of the Harvest
Katori Prime
Security Level 1 - Open

TO Matriarch Pholora
CC --
FROM Ambassador Perim

SUBJ Katori-Hauden Relations

Matriarch Pholora,

I've been authorized by Captain Reshad of the Hauden to inform you that they accept the agreement proposed in your previous message. The Captain and his first officer will surrender themselves to the Katori IX justice system in return for a continued supply of juleki in sufficient quantity to sustain the lives of the Hauden survivors. The Federation, in its capacity as a neutral mediator, has pledged to facilitate the terms of the agreement and hold both parties accountable. A formal document detailing the specific terms of the agreement is attached.

On the topic of logistics, I must note that the Hauden vessel is not yet ready for travel, and their medical condition is not conducive to a long voyage by shuttlecraft. The Federation would therefore like to once again extend an offer to host the Katori judicial proceedings aboard Deep Space 13 so that the Hauden may remain under the care of our medical staff. While I believe this solution will be the most expedient, if you deem it unacceptable, I will begin looking into alternate medically acceptable transportation plans.

I will await your return of the agreement. Thank you.

Neema Perim
Federation Ambassador
Security Level 1 - Open

TO Ambassador Perim
CC --
FROM Matriarch Pholora
SUBJ Re: Katori-Hauden Relations


I am relieved that you have facilitated such an agreeable resolution. Here are our terms:

  • We have no large cargo vessels capable of warp. Transporting juleki in the amounts required such a long distance will be time-consuming in our patrol vessels. As you have been so accommodating, we request that you send a transport of appropriate capacity to rendezvous at the edge of our system to receive the shipment crates.

  • I will accompany our lawspeaker, our advocates, our adjudicator and our correspondents in a patrol vessel under the command of Captain Lissa in returning with your transport.

  • We will hold our trial in the space you provide. The space you designate will be subject to Katori IX law for the duration of the trial. Any participation by non-Katori personnel is subject to approval by the adjudicator.

  • At the conclusion of the trial, as dictated by its outcome, the defendants will be released to your custody or ours. Out of respect for Federation sensibilities, any sentence issued by the court will be carried out on Katori IX following our return.

Meet our conditions and regular shipments of juleki will be provided to the Hauden at the same rendezvous point for Federation retrieval.


Matriarch of the Golden Citron
Katori IX