TO: LT Niazov | SUBJ: Gratitude

To: LT Niazov (@Valore)
CC: ~~
From: LCDR Stovok
Subj: Gratitude

Lieutenant Niazov,

I must express my gratitude to you for the brownie. I did not eat it as it would have been detrimental to my health. However, It has furthered my investigation into a mysterious star chart I purchased on Freecloud three months ago.

Please find attached a coupon for two free ice creams at Tevalak’s Ice Cream Parlour. I am informed by a commercial that played on the monitor that Tevalak’s is the only ice creamery on Deep Space 13 that will deliver you galactic goodness in every bite of their ice cream. It also encouraged people to try their new flavour: ‘VOB Tears’.

Lieutenant Commander Stovok
Science Department
Deep Space 13

//ATTACHMENT// TevalaksFreeIceCreamCoupon.ext