TO: RRW Tebok Crew / SUBJ: Security Changes

To: RRW Tebok Crew
CC: RRW Senior Staff
From: CEN Thirteen
Subj: Shipwide Security Changes

Due to recent incidents aboard the vessel, the following changes will be implemented:

-All on duty Security Personnel, Engineering Personnel, and Senior Staff will wear boots with magnetic capabilities as part of their uniform.

-Upon sudden and unscheduled loss of power, go to immediate yellow alert and secure yourselves on station or in the nearest room that can be secured. Security personnel will immediately secure Engineering, Bridge, and cut all access to the magazines.

-All cargo aboard the ship will be cross checked and verified by the load master, myself, and the executive officer prior to departing any resupply station. Any attempts to rush loading and un-loading and circumvent security checks will be reported immediately. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary actions.

-The bridge and main engineering will have four guards on duty at any given time. Distracting these guards will be reported and result in disciplinary actions.

These changes will remain in place until either the situation that brought forth these changes is resolved or otherwise overruled by myself, the executive officer, or the commanding officer upon proper command code verification.

Good Day.

Centurion Thirteen of Fourteen
Chief Tactical Officer
RRW Tebok

//ATTACHMENT// SecurityChangesMemo.notsosecretfile