TO: Ship COs | SUBJ: Urgent Reassignment

To: @38th.ShipCOs
CC: @38th.Command
From: RADM Bishop, S.
Subj: URGENT - Reassignment to the Fvillhaih System

Every ship is hereby ordered to report to the Fvillhaih System as of Stardate 100528.0.

This order supersedes all previous orders.

Upon arrival, each ship should prepare for imminent combat.


Rear Admiral (Upper Half) Samuel Bishop, PhD
Executive Officer, 38th Fleet ‘Argo’

OOC These are official orders for all ships to take part in the event Soiling the Nest. All COs who attend the event will be part of the assault; those who are not able to make it will be part of the reserve forces stationed at Fvillhaih.

To: CAPT Lyn, I.
CC: @38th.Command
From: RADM Bishop, S.
Subj: URGENT - Operation Choibalsan


The above order does not apply to you. Please see your orders attached; you are to move to the Noro System to herd a Gekli Pod away from the Noro Sector to a safe location established by the Starfleet Science Division.

Your work is of utmost importance to prevent harm to peaceful sentient beings.


Rear Admiral (Upper Half) Samuel Bishop, PhD
Executive Officer, 38th Fleet ‘Argo’

//ATTACHMENT// operationchoibalsan.ext

To: CAPT Zarath, T; CMDR Blake, K.
CC: @38th.Command
From: RADM Bishop, S.
Subj: URGENT - Operation Babington

Captain, Commander,

The above order does not apply to you.

Captain Zarath, the Cassini is ordered to begin its flight plan towards the Cirini Prime System. Deploy all sensor ghosts. Destroy any scout ships you face and prevent any comms from being sent. If you face a large group you cannot engage without significant loss of life, withdraw to a safe system.

Commander Blake, you are to move your vessel on an updated flight plan towards the Agrama System. Deploy all sensor ghosts. Destroy any scout ships you face and prevent any comms from being sent. If you face a large group you cannot engage without significant loss of life, withdraw back to the Fvillhaih System.

Once you have reached your destination, contact me immediately on the secure line in the brief.


Rear Admiral (Upper Half) Samuel Bishop, PhD
Executive Officer, 38th Fleet ‘Argo’

//ATTACHMENT// operationbabington_brief.dat


To: RADM Bishop, S. (@Sam )
CC: @38th.Command
From: CAPT Tungsten, D.
Subj: RE: URGENT - Reassignment to the Fvillhaih System


Orders received, repositioning back to Fvillhaih now.

Captain Drake Tungsten
Commanding Officer,
USS Dragon

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