TO: Sh'ow, Tyrstoc | SUBJ: Request

To: CAPT Sh’ow, H (@HLtol)
CC: CAPT Tyrstoc (@Space_Monkey)
From: CAPT Vel, L
Subj: Request


Greetings, hope you two are both well. I have heard via Admiral Bishop that there are several Azedi missions being assembled, and to possibly seek one out that I may be able to assist on. Due to my recent failures in talks with the Viggo, I do not wish to be a member of the negotiations team, but simply assist as an observer or advisor. I am willing to travel aboard one of your vessels, or work with Fleet Command to have Forrestal assigned for logistical and carrier support. Which ever works best for you two, works for me.

Thank you both for your time

Captain Lunya Vel
Commanding Officer,
USS Forrestal NCC-98417


To: CAPT Vel, L (@LunyaVel)
CC: CAPT Sh’ow, H (@HLtol)
From: CAPT Tyrstoc
Subj: Request

Captain Vel,

I appreciate and accept your request, and have submitted my own petition to Admiral Bishop to bring you onboard the diplomatic team. However you may view the result, it is my opinion that your recent experience negotiating with the Viggo will prove valuable. Depending on the availability of Cetratus Squadron vessels, I believe the addition of the USS Forrestal to the task force could very well be prudent also. Given my own prior experiences in the Citali system, I believe we will have our work cut out for us, and my firsthand information is out of date. I will keep you apprised of the coordination efforts and further developments.

Thank you for reaching out.

Captain Tyrstoc
Commanding Officer,
USS Heimdall