TO: Sideris | SUBJ: The Art Incident

To: CMDR Sideris (@calyx)
From: CENT Roris
Subj: The Art Incident

Commander Sideris,

Please accept my apologies in contacting you before we were formally introduced.

The current art theft incident, coupled with power failure during the related event, might pose an interest to the intelligence department.

Should we get involved? And if so, should we coordinate with other departments? I’d be so bold to advise to keep the outside communication at the absolute minimum. We can’t discount the possibility that one or more of slighted parties are culprits in the incident. After all, what better way to deflect suspicion than for a thief to yell about robbery the loudest.

Having in mind current reports from multiple involved parties we can safely discard the possibilities that the incident was a mere ruse or that it was an isolated act of thievery.

Not discounting the simple monetary gain I’d like to point out that there is also a significant propaganda gain for interested parties, incident demonstrating Starfleet incompetence. There’s also an added layer of diplomatic strain as theft involved the Dominion representative.

Of course, the Vorta could have arranged it to play the victim, thus opening a path to ingratiate himself with the target or simply create an incident that can be exploited to apply diplomatic pressure. Both tactics were used regularly by the Dominion in the past, although they are hardly the only ones with that approach.

While I have no proof I do believe that the power outage and the art theft were connected. In my experience too much of a coincidence is usually no coincidence at all.

Also, for the sake of information-gathering, I have cultivated connections with certain parties that would be considered undesirable and unlawful outside of neutral space.

Should I make inquiries to see if they have any information that might pertain to our incident? Purely unofficially and with utmost discretion, of course.

Remaining at your disposal,

Centurion Roris
Republic Intelligence
Attached to DS-13


To: CENT Roris (@Burgundian)
From: CMDR Sideris
Subj: Re: The Art Incident


I extend my apologies in return for permitting this delay in our meeting.

Your suggestion has merit. As you are a new arrival, allow me to bring two items to your attention.

First, as you mentioned, several of these interested parties are looking for a spark they can fan into genuine conflict. Direct interrogatory communication from Starfleet Intelligence could strike one. To an individual with your background, this situation and its players may seem tame on its surface, but I encourage a healthy measure of caution. I would prefer our malcontents remain noisy inconveniences rather than develop into actual problems.

Second, consider the Security Department. A formal investigation is underway with Security at the vanguard and they are sensitive to interference. If you tread on their toes, prepared to cede the territory gracefully and turn over any information from reputable sources they might find useful.

With these elements in mind, feel free to engage in the matter as you see fit, enjoy yourself, stay out of trouble and keep me posted. Welcome to DS13, Centurion.

CMDR Noah Sideris
Chief Intelligence Officer, Deep Space 13
38th Fleet ‘Argo’


To: CMDR Sideris (@calyx)
From: CENT Roris
Subj: The Art Incident

Commander Sideris,

Thank you for your attention, since i haven’t received any reply in a timely manner I will assume i’m allowed to proceed freely. Within boundaries of discretion and limitations of my post naturally.

Thank you for your time.

Remaining at your disposal,

Centurion Roris
Republic Intelligence
Attached to DS-13