TO: Task force officers | SUBJ: Standing orders

Security Level 2 - Confidential

TO Task force officers
FROM CAPT Sadia Cynis

SUBJ Standing orders

Honorable officers and allies,

I'm issuing new orders pertaining to the recent events:

1. Earlier today, Alarian Fiefdoms have declared Holy War against the Breen Amoniri State. We will not involve ourselves directly in this conflict, however we will be providing logistical support to Marshall Berilya's 6th Attack Group, and other Alarian ships that require assistance within our territory. Additional patrol squadron will be added to the Breen border patrols. You are free to engage any and all Breen ships that breach the border.

2. Three attack wings will be detached to the General Martok's Expedition Force in the Gamma Quadrant. Attack wings will be composed completely from the volunteers, and choices will be made considering ship commander's performance reports and ship composition requirements. You have 48 hours to submit your application, and are expected to be ready at the moment's notice.

3. Due to increased activity and expected deficit of personnel, all shore leaves are postponed until further notice.

All other operations will continue as normal.

Strength and Honor,

Captain Sadia Cynis
Commander of task force Hurq Mevik

OOC: Note that due to time warp, incoming Gamma Quadrant events have technically already happened, so if anyone wants to RP on Risa they are free to do so (this includes cross-faction RP).