TO: the Speaker, FROM LT Wind-People, SUBJ: The Seven Walkers that went with the Romulan Star Empire.

To: Wind People Speaker, Davak
CC: CAPT Drake Tungsten ( @DrakeTungsten ), Amb Neema Perim (@kermit ), CMDR Noah Sideris ( @Calyx ), LCDR Mila Amanda Bastet (@aktzedek )
From: LT Ansha Wind-People
Subj: The Seven Walkers that went with the Romulan Star Empire.

Speaker, et. al,

My brother Evoch just informed me that seven very naïve Wind People were talked into joining the Romulan Star Empire, specifically to become operatives of the Tal Shiar. He was forced to disintegrate the one that chose the name Dhellar as the Tal Shiar had planted an explosive device inside of her to destroy his ship and the refugees he was escorting.

According to Evoch, Dhellar did not realize the device that was implanted in her was a bomb until it was too late and Evoch was forced to take action to save the lives of his passengers. Her spores could not be collected, but her experiences were. She is gone and will not progenerate any future colonies, just like the Four That Crawled that jumped into that wild fire that time during the age of dust just to see what it was like. Please let the rest of the collective know that this could very well be their fate if they foolishly go off with just anyone.

Furthermore, in her shared experiences that Evoch was able to get in the struggle, it became apparent to him that all of the seven are being prepared to be used as assassins and suicide agents. We speculate one may be killed for spores simply to create the army that the now deceased RADM Dhusuia was planning on creating last year. Evoch will try to rescue the remaining six as the opportunity presents itself.

Speaker, I implore you to no longer allow members of the collective go anywhere with representatives of the Romulan Star Empire. They have started a war without provocation and they care nothing of our people’s well-being, much less their own. I realize we do not have experience with things like rules and codes of conduct as a society, but since we now have no choice but embrace this galactic society as a whole with all its modern idioms and ideals as the result of a massive disregard for the Prime Directive, we must adapt and be more cautious.

Evoch is very busy right now, making us proud and fighting for what is right, but as soon as he has a chance he will come by and share the experiences of both Dhellar and his own latest, so that hopefully you and the collective will see that caution must taken when seeking new sublime experiences, ESPECIALLY AMONGST THE ROMULAN STAR EMPIRE!

AMB Perim, CMDR Sideris, and LCDR Bastet, I realize this is horrible timing but I included the three of you as you should know what is going. It might behoove us to bring back mandatory scans of all POWs and refugees, and where that is not possible, as a more subtle method perhaps a few of my cousins from the Collective who RESPONSIBILY wish to seek sublime experiences would be willing to act as sentinels since we can automatically detect our own when they are with a few hundred meters. Not sure the exact range by the way, but it’s at least 80 meters.

Seriously, they do not even need legs or arms, like Evoch and I. They can just remain green lumps with a tendril and some a way to communicate like a PADD.

Again, I realize we are very busy with the war effort, believe me, I know, but this is something you at least needed to know about.

If you have questions feel free to ask me.

Very Respectfully,

LT Ansha Wind-People
Chief Technical Officer
USS Dragon NCC 93887-A

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