To: CAPT Morton, Coby (@LobsterEater), CAPT M’Rai (@Thrawn215), LT Seonu, Asura (@Vix)
CC: CAPT Vel, Lunya (@LunyaVel) CAPT Tungsten, Drake (@DrakeTungsten), CMDR Akaela, Tala (@Master_Dex), CDR Nathes (@Garak234)
From: LCDR Flynn, Matthew
Subj: Subspace Drive Schematics

Attached are the schematics for the experimental subspace drive, for reference. I realize some of you, mainly Midway’s crew have had access to these already, but here they are.
Lieutenant Commander Matthew Flynn
Chief Engineer,
USS Midway NCC-90133-B
OOC Any specific questions about the schematics can be directed towards me or Lunya OOCly. It would be considered IC knowledge for your character as it would be information on the schematics themselves