TO: VADM Perim, CDR-GEN Rellir | SUBJ: Further activities in the Azedi space

Security Level 2 - Confidential

TO VADM Perim, CDR-GEN Rellir
CC CAPT Quint, CAPT Derix
FROM CAPT Sadia Cynis

SUBJ Further activites in the Azedi space

Honorable allies,
while our last operation in Azedi space was a success, I believe we should keep up with the momentum and continue intel gathering operations:

- IKS Daramar, IKS K'p'on and IKS Sad'ak are keeping up with mapping of the Azedi space. We have also set up a series of cloaked sensor probes in the outskirts of the known Azedi-controlled systems. These probes are modified to keep track of the communications and wormhole activities.

- IKS Hegh mup was recalled from observing the Junayd energy signature at Queldem Depot, as Starfleet forces have secured the location. I am looking forward to any information Starfleet's investigation will provide regarding this signature/vessel. IKS Hegh mup has moved to DS 13 to provide additional support in securing of recovered/disabled Azedi dreadnought. Our engineering team is waiting for a joint venture inside "the belly of the beast". I advise that this operation be completed as soon as possible, as getting any tactical infomation on Azedi technology, especially sensor and weapon systems will be important if the Confederacy decides to adopt a more aggressive stance.

- In case that the dreadnought's carcass does not yield useful information, I propose a joint operation inside Azedi space. Mission will consist of modifying KDF shuttles with additional sensor pods and remote controls. These shuttles will then be used to probe the Azedi starbases on multiple worlds (preferably at the same time) for exact detection ranges, sensor activites, speed and targeting capabilities of their weapon systems and defense fleet size/reaction times. No direct confrontation is expected, and having multiple different observers will most definitely yield a better feedback.

I am available for more detailed operation planning and general brainstorming on the Deep Space K-7.
Also, please find attached sensor readings from IKS Daramar from the last joint operation.

Strength and Honor,

Captain Sadia Cynis
Commander of the task force Hur'q Mevik

Att01 - IKS Daramar sensor scans - 235.12-D

//OOC: If anyone's interested in the side event in Azedi space, let me know so we can organize something.