Togglable /walk Keybinding

Adding a Walk Toggle Key

Having your character move at walking speed is an essential first step for any RP’er. STO allows you to bind keys to commands, including one for walking. The chat command is ++walk.

Bind it to a key by using /bind [key] ++walk. You can bind it to any key you want, but make sure you’re not overwriting something else you use! If you wanted to make the insert key your toggle you would type /bind insert ++walk. Pressing insert once changes your speed to a walk, and pressing it again returns to STO’s default jog.

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This made life so much easier. Thank you!
Yay! I'm glad! Since I've been sharing it here and there lately, I decided just to make it a post. :3

Thank you so much for this. I had to hold numpad and walk doing my interview. Just Changed this and tested it out. Awesome work around!

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