Treaty of Tri’Vokil
The following articles are signed into agreement to put end to the conflict which began Stardate 100380 with the invasion of the Romulan Republic by the Romulan Star Empire and subsequent declarations of war by the Romulan Republic and United Federation of Planets. This solemn declaration is simultaneously undertaken by the Romulan Star Empire, the Romulan Republic, and the United Federation of Planets, to be effective upon the Stardate of signing 100545.
Article I
On the cessation of hostilities
Whereas a general ceasefire has been in place since Stardate 100528.7, hostilities are hereby declared to be permanently ended. The state of war declared by the Romulan Republic and the United Federation of Planets is concluded.
Except as specified in this treaty, all involved powers agree to restore diplomatic relations and adhere to common interstellar law and previously empowered conventions.
Article II
On the outcome of war and disposition of forces
The Romulan Star Empire acknowledges that is has been defeated by the combined forces of the Romulan Republic and United Federation of Planets. In light of this outcome, any and all territory, starships, materiel, and personnel of the Romulan Republic or United Federation of Planets which was seized by the Romulan Star Empire after Stardate 100380 is to be immediately relinquished and returned, without exception. The Romulan Republic and United Federation of Planets will repatriate all prisoners of war taken after Stardate 100380, with the exception of those otherwise charged with criminal offenses.
Article III
On the disposition of uninhabited territory
Section A
All unincorporated territory of the Romulan Star Empire which was occupied, seized, or otherwise controlled by the Romulan Republic during the present conflict, including the Pictae, Nopada, and T’iokol Star Systems, will be permanently retained by the Romulan Republic. The Romulan Star Empire relinquishes all claim to these territories in perpetuity.
Section B
The Fvillhaih Star System and a defined section of unincorporated territory of the Romulan Star Empire which was occupied, seized, or otherwise controlled by the United Federation of Planets will be allocated to and permanently retained by the Romulan Republic. The Romulan Star Empire relinquishes all claim to these territories in perpetuity.
Section C
All uninhabited or unincorporated territory of the Romulan Star Empire which was occupied, seized, or otherwise controlled by the United Federation of Planets and not covered by Section B, including the K’shan and Aihai Star Systems, will be returned to the Romulan Star Empire.
Article IV
On the disposition of inhabited systems
Section A
The Tri’Vokil Star System is granted full independence from the Romulan Star Empire. The Tri’Vokil Free State is recognized as the sole and legitimate entity governing the Tri’Vokil Star System and surrounding territory. The United Federation of Planets will relinquish all occupied territory to the Tri’Vokil Free State. The Romulan Star Empire relinquishes all claim to the Tri’Vokil Star System and surrounding territory in perpetuity.
Section B
Inhabited Star Systems of the Romulan Star Empire with civilian population centers which are presently occupied or otherwise controlled by the Romulan Republic or United Federation of Planets, namely the Alth’ndor, Cero, Gasko, and Sarita Star Systems, will remain under the control of the respective occupying power until the conditions in Subsections 1-3 below are met on a per-system basis.
Subsection 1
Sustenance, housing, transit, and communications infrastructure must meet minimum requirements as specified in Appendix F. For damage or deficiencies beyond the ability of the local government to correct, or in the case that the local government is absent or nonfunctional, repairs will be conducted as follows: The Romulan Star Empire will provide economic and/or materiel aid in bulk, sufficient to accomplish each task as specified. The occupying power will provide any necessary personnel or manpower and utilize and/or distribute provided aid as appropriate.
Subsection 2
The local government, or the occupying power in the case that the local government is absent or nonfunctional, will administer a public referendum on the future of the system. This referendum must include, at minimum, three options: i) Return to the Romulan Star Empire; ii) Become part of the Romulan Republic; iii) Establish an independent government.
Subsection 3
For each Star System that reaches the referendum process, a commission will be formed with representatives of the Romulan Star Empire, the Romulan Republic, and the United Federation of Planets, as defined and specified in Appendix K. The commission will be empowered to oversee and audit the referendum process, and order corrective actions if necessary. At the conclusion of the referendum, the results must be certified by the commission.
If the commission is unable to certify the result, it must specify the reason(s) for the illegitimate result and specify corrective actions. The system must restart the referendum process and comply with those actions. The members of the commission are replaced for the subsequent referendum.
Article V
On the legitimacy of the Romulan Republic
The Romulan Star Empire recognizes the sovereignty of the Romulan Republic and the legitimacy of it’s government to administer an interstellar society. The Romulan Star Empire retracts its declaration of the Romulan Republic as a terrorist organization, and pledges to no longer consider military and government officials of the Romulan Republic to be criminals based on that affiliation.