Updated Assignment - Kelterre II

Stardate 95774.8
Security Level 2 - Confidential

TO 38th/Commanding Officers
CC 38th/Command
FROM RDML. Konieczko, D.

SUBJ Updated Assignment - Kelterre II


As the situation on Kelterre II continues to develop we will be increasing our efforts towards the study of the 'oribots' and emergency response for our Federation scientists that are planet side. As a result, patrol schedules will be modified to optimize emergency responses to the system.

Until schedules are optimized Command is looking for rotating volunteers to remain in system of orbit of Kelterre. These volunteers will need to:

-Investigate Oribots
  • We need to determine what the Oribots are doing on Kelterre II.
  • We need to determine where the Oribots have come from.
-Provide support and security for Federation researchers on Kelterre II

If you would like to volunteer for this duty or have any questions please reach out to my office.

Rear Admiral Dmitri Konieczko
Executive Officer
38th Fleet 'Argo'