USS Hornet Shipboard Communications

To: <Forrestal/Crew/Officers>
From: LT Miller, K
Subj: Weekly News

Greetings Forrestal!

As we look to start the new week, and work our way into the New Year, here are some news updates for your information!

  • Due to mission constraints, there is not a formal New Years Celebration this year. If you decide to celebrate alone, or with others, the Captain reminds you to do so responsibly and not while on duty
  • The kitchen (former holodeck four) will be serving Italian, Klingon, and Bolian themed dishes this week. Please see the menus under “Forrestal Cafe” for the full selections.
  • Engineering will be taking the power grid to deck fifteen offline on Stardate 100996.3. Downtime is estimated to be 45 minutes to 1 hour.
  • Those wishing to learn the violin and the piano, Nurse Brooks and Lieutenant Carson respectively, are offering lessons!
  • Uniform of the week, is standard.

Have a wonderful week, and as always, the Forrestal Command staff wishes you to know how very proud of every one of you they are!

Lieutenant Katya Miller
Security, Second Shift (And morale officer)
USS Forrestal NCC-98417




To: <Forrestal/Crew/Officers>
From: CMDR Dellir, R.
Subj: Hangar Deck closure

Starting at Stardate 100998.2, the main hangar deck will be off limits to anyone but Forrestal’s aircrew and ground crew. This is due to the fact that various firefighting, hazmat, and quarantine drills will be being completed from then until Stardate 100999.3. That said, standard transport ops will be suspended from the main hangar deck during that time, and rerouted to the secondary hangar deck at the back of the saucer. Standard CAP and AEW&C ops will not be affected.

Riasull Dellir
Commander Air Group, 10th Carrier Air Wing
USS Forrestal


To: <Forrestal/Crew/Officers>
From: LCDR Valusia, J. MD
Subj: Your Subject Line

My fellow crewmates,

I hope most of you have had joyous holiday breaks, or like me, a moment of rest and time to get caught up on those little things put aside for the sake of our schedule. As you return to duty I want to take a moment to remind you:

  1. SAFETY IS STILL JOB NUMBER ONE. Just because you went home, and played with homemade fireworks or played a game of zap-bolt tag with your children, cousins, siblings, or parents without protective gear, that doesn’t mean you abandon your safety conscious mind at the transporter pad. I can’t stop you from blowing off your fingers or losing an eye at home, but we will have words if you forget to de-energize a plasma conduit using a red holotag before going into that Jefferies tube.
    a. Review your safety simulations as a New Earth Year reminder.
    b. Get your mind back into your work. Think about what you are about to do, what you are currently doing, and what you just did.

  2. If during your partying you had unprotected sex with those you barely know, come to Medbay 2 before you go spreading “the love” to the rest of the crew. Seriously, I’m an Orion and I’m a medical doctor. I’m not going judge, the medical professionals that work for me won’t either. They have been instructed not to. Just come in and get a check up, which can also encompass your yearly medical exam as an added bonus.

  3. If you were injured during your holiday break please contact me or have a relative do so immediately so that we can file the appropriate reports regarding return to duty, recovery leave, etc…

  4. What would a celebration be without feasting on high-fat, high-cholesterol, and high-sugar foods and then sitting around watching holovid for a couple of weeks? Boring I say. That said unless you maintain your normal exercise routine, you’re going to find it difficult to just go back to running the distances you did a month ago, or bench pressing what you last could. Don’t strain yourself by diving right back into your usual regimen, but rather, ease back into it. This will prevent injuries that could sideline you.

So in closing, I am looking forward to welcoming all of you back to your duty stations. I think this year is going to see us doing some great things for the Federation and the galaxy as a whole.

LCDR Jeiliscia Valusia, MD
Chief Medical Officer,
USS Forrestal (NCC-98417)



To: <Forrestal/Crew/Officers>
From: LCDR T’Vora
Subj: Security Concerns

Forrestal Crew,

Please refrain from replicating fireworks and using them in the hangar bay. The hangar bay is for flight operations only, not the immature admiration of exploding objects. Also, whoever is setting up the “Slip N’ Slide” (earth term?) on deck sixteen, please stop. If I have to post security patrols to get you to stop, I will. Also, Captain Vel has been notified.

Lieutenant Commander T’Vora
Chief Security Officer
USS Forrestal NCC-98417


To: <Forrestal/Crew/Officers>
CC: @Forrestal.Security
From: CAPT Vel, L
Subj: Happy Earth New Year

To the Crew of Forrestal,

First, Happy Earth New Year! It is a time for many to celebrate, reflecting on the successes of the past year, and moving on from its trials and defeats. I would like to thank each and every one of you for the outstanding work you do day in and day out.

With that being said, please abide by Security’s recommendations when it comes to safety on the decks and within the corridors of the ship. If you must use a “Slip N’ Slide”, use it on the holodeck to your heart’s content! I will never deny any of you some good fun, as long as it is off duty, and safe!

Finally, Lieutenant Commander T’Vora, see me at your earliest convenience, and refrain from airing your grievances over shipwide communication channels.

Captain Lunya Vel
Commanding Officer,
USS Forrestal NCC-98417

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To: <Forrestal/Crew/Officers>
From: CMDR Dellir, R.
Subj: 1000th Landing

It is with great joy that I post this here. As of 10 minutes ago, Lieutenant V’Lak of VFA-106 “Gladiators” has just completed his 1000th sortie and landing aboard the Forrestal. This is a wonderful accomplishment for any combat pilot, and as such, a celebration will be being held in the Pilots’ Mess. Any and all crew members are welcome to pop by and celebrate.

CMDR Riasull Dellir
Commander Air Group, 10th Carrier Air Wing
USS Forrestal


From: LT Miller, K
Subj: Shipboard Update

Hello Forrestal Crew!

Some updates for you, since there has been a lack of news lately! First and foremost, we remain docked for the foreseeable future. Please enjoy some time aboard station on your off hours, and take advantage of DS 13’s many shops and amenities. There will be a notification here once we are set to depart, so keep an eye on your inboxes!

Secondly, lets welcome Commander Jackson Idainian. He will be taking over Executive Officer duties, and is fresh from a tour aboard the USS Minotaur as their first officer!

Finally, due to upcoming training needs, the following personnel will be unavailable for an extended period of time:

  • Captain Lunya Vel
  • Commander Riasull Dellir
  • Lieutenant Commander Jeiliscia Valusia
  • Lieutenant Lalaa Drush

If you have concerns related to their departments, please see the below listed crew.

  • Shipwide needs = Commander Idainian
  • Air Group Needs = Lieutenant Commander Villareal
  • Medical Needs = On- duty nursing staff or DS 13 medical staff

Thank you all for making the Forrestal a great ship to be stationed on!

Lieutenant Katya Miller
Security, Second Shift (Morale Officer)
USS Forrestal NCC-98417

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To: <Forrestal/Crew/Officers>
From: LCDR Villareal
Subj: Training orders

To the Aircrew and maintenance crew of the Forrestal,

Over the next couple of days while CMDR Dellir and CAPT Vel are unavailable, we will be taking the time to train and work alongside the Callisto class Light Frigates Laffey and Vampire. The reason we will be working alongside them is to… touch up on our tactics when working in concert with a pair of Callistos, as we will be doing so fairly frequently on an upcoming deployment.

Take care, and good luck. I expect to be able to report some good things to Commander Dellir when she returns…

LCDR Villareal
Deputy Commander Air Group, 10th Carrier Air Wing
USS Forrestal


To: <Hornet/Crew/Officers>
From: CAPT Vel, L
Subj: Greetings Crew

Greetings Hornet Crew!

I am honored to take command of this amazing vessel, and crew. This will be my first assignment to a Jupiter Class, and I look forward to learning the ropes from those of you who have been serving aboard Hornet for an extended period of time!

From what I’ve been told, you the crew, have been performing at an outstanding level, so I am a firm believer of “If it’s not broke, don’t fix it!”. I do not expect to make any major changes to your day to day operational routine, and I will be checking in to see how things are run!

I would like to invite you all to a “cook out” (vegetarian options will be available) on holodeck 4 on Stardate 101103.3 as a way for me to meet some of you! This will be an all evening event, so those on shift will be able to stop by on rotation. I look forward to meeting as many of you as I can!

I’ll see you there!

Captain Lunya Vel
Commanding Officer,
USS Hornet NCC-97556