USS Reyga - Captain's Log

CAPTAIN'S LOG Stardate 99886.3

We made a “quick” detour back to DS13 this past week, in part to continue the investigation into Lieutenant Kholoi’s mysterious illness. I’m pleased to report that the Lieutenant is in stable condition, out of the medically induced coma. Physically, I’m told that she requires relatively little ongoing treatment, though the uh, more outlandish personality symptoms that we all experienced may still be affecting her. Further, she remains quite contagious, so she’s had to be kept in isolation.

The investigation on the station produced one potentially viable lead - the Lieutenant came in contact with an apparently unique “Oubbard Figurine”, very shortly prior to falling ill. She sold the item to an antique shop, which resold it to some Tellarite entrepreneur off-station. It’s … admittedly not much to go on, but it’s all we’ve got for now.

While we wait for more info on that front, Reyga is en route back to the Stukrid System to continue assisting the anthropological team studying the native first contact candidates.

(( Transcripts: Sickbay, Starbase ))