The investigation into Lt. Kholoi’s illness pointed to an antique statue, obtained by a Tellarite entrepreneur named Maart. Despite being the CEO of a moderately successful interstellar business, Maart has proven to be particularly difficult to track down. Having finally picked up a lead on his location, Reyga sets course for some answers.
Shift Time: gamma+2. See Shift Schedule and Weekly Meetups for details.
Audience: Reyga Crew
Attendance: RESERVED - I can accomodate one non-Reyga guest character from DS13, either Intelligence or Security.
The character will be aboard for the purpose of providing info from an off-screen investigation. I’ll OOCly provide you with some extra info in advance and ask you to provide that info to the crew in the mission briefing. You will, of course, also be welcome to participate in the actual content of the event as usual.
Please only sign up if you can attend at the designated time and stay for a 2-hour discord RP event. Reply to this post to reserve the spot, first come first serve. (Feel free to reply with your interest even if you’re not first, always nice to have backups!)
RP Format: GM
Setting: USS Reyga
Starting Point: Discord event
OOC This event has content prepped for every role/position on the crew, do not worry if the blurb above doesn’t sound like it will involve your character. Spoiler alert: if you show up, you’ll have stuff to do!