USS Reyga - Captain's Log

CAPTAIN'S LOG Stardate 100071.1

After completing repairs and decontamination, Reyga has once again departed DS13. Our mission this time has us setting course for a Maart-Mart distribution center, in search of the eponymous CEO, Maart.

We believe Maart to be in possession of a “space cow statue”, or Oubbard Figurine, which may be the source of an infection that spread through the crew in November. In addition to preventing others from being infected, medical believes that the only way to create a cure for Lieutenant Kholoi, who has remained in isolation since her infection, is through examination of the statue.

As Maart did not reply to our initial inquiries and locating him proved to be exceedingly difficult, we left tracking him down in the hands of DS13 Intelligence. We’ve taken aboard Lieutenant Commander t’Veras with the latest lead, and she’ll be joining us until the conclusion of the mission.

I didn’t think I’d ever see Aurelia in a Starfleet uniform. The last time I saw her, she was commanding a Republic Warbird. Which was already weird. I think, in my head, we’ll always be junior officers plotting reprimand-worthy nonsense at the bar.

CAPTAIN'S LOG Supplemental

We’ve arrived at the distribution center. There’s surprisingly little traffic here, for such a large hub - just two docked freighters. The station’s in a low power state and not responding to hails.

We’re preparing an away team to beam over and investigate, in full protective gear per Doctor Castillo’s recommendation.

CAPTAIN'S LOG Supplemental

The entire staff of the distribution hub was infected with Kholoi’s disease, uhm, name pending. The away team managed to shut down the hub’s automated systems, which were creating a hazardous situation, began triage of the sick, and located the Oubbard statue.

Additional medical and security teams were beamed over to handle the situation. All 50 documented workers are accounted for, plus four executives - including Maart - who were apparently visiting. Like Reyga’s crew, the infected that were still conscious were engaged in extreme exaggerations of their respective mental states at the moment of original infection. Those that were exposed sooner had already fallen unconscious. Most have already begun to recover after initial treatment. Even most of those in the later stages are showing improvement. Two of the executives, and Maart himself, were by far the most serious cases. They’ve been beamed to Reyga’s sickbay, in isolation, and remain in critical condition.

A Federation hospital ship is en route to take over the medical situation here, and a Maart-Mart representative is on the way to take command of the station. I will note here, that I’ll be ordering the facility to remain shut down until it’s undergone a safety inspection. The away team downloaded the facility’s logs and one point of note is that a number of freighters did dock and depart in the time between Maart’s arrival and ours. It’s possible that their crews became infected, so we’ll be attempting to contact them and investigating any who don’t respond.

As for the statue that started all of this, it’s been moved to a sealed container in a science lab for further analysis.

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