USS Reyga - Captain's Log

CAPTAIN'S LOG Stardate 99580.6

We’ve just made our scheduled rendezvous with USS Midway, RRW Virin and a convoy we’ve been assigned to escort out to Starbase 718. We’ve got four freighters hauling kemocite and a prisoner transport.

It’s the transport that worries me. This was a last-minute addition to the convoy. Midway’s CO wasn’t able to provide any information on who they’re transporting, their origin, or their destination beyond SB718. Worse still, they’re reporting some kind of sensor echo following them.

We’re totally gonna get shot at.

CAPTAIN'S LOG Supplemental

We’ve managed to establish that we’re being followed by four cloaked ships, Romulan in origin - but definitely not Republic, and now they’re closing rapidly on the convoy. A scan of the prisoner transport shows no Romulans aboard, so we still don’t know exactly what these mystery pursuers are after.

We’ve dropped out of warp and gone to yellow alert. Captain Vel’s opened a channel and is attempting to warn them off, but an attack seems more and more probable by the minute.

CAPTAIN'S LOG Supplemental

The four cloaked ships were, indeed, Romulan warbirds. Presumably Star Empire, but I don’t have confirmation of that just yet. The combat encounter was brief, but intense. One warbird was destroyed, another disabled - Midway’s sending teams over to secure it now - and the other two retreated. Reyga, Midway, and the convoy ships sustained minimal or no damage, but Virin wasn’t so lucky. Extremely unlucky, even. What looked like a potshot caused a massive secondary explosion and she took heavy damage and casualties. We’ve got medical teams over there helping out.

Ensign Ban was a standout performer today at the tactical station. Solid performance and creative thinking.

(( EventAAR ))