CAPT Vel, Lunya
LOCATION Open Space, Aldebaran Sector, En Route to Starbase 718
MISSION Convoy Escort
OUTCOME Escort ships repelled attacking Romulan Force. Prisoners taken from disabled warbird. Convoy arrived at destination safely.
- CAPT Vel, Lunya
- CAPT Kermit, James
- CMDR Nathes
- CMDR Sedai, Katriel
- LCDR Flynn, Matthew
- LCDR zh’Vhenda, Kora
- LT Drush, Lalaa
- ENS Ban, Writ
- ENS Sadaan
NARRATIVE On above Stardate, convoy of four Kemocite transports, and USS Malta (Prisoner Transport), made rendezvous with USS Midway, USS Reyga, and RRW Virin for escort to Starbase 718.
Prior to this rendezvous, USS Malta reported sensor echos detected whenever ship would drop out of warp. Information was forwarded to the USS Midway, which determined multiple possible cloaked ships shadowing the USS Malta. USS Malta was diverted to scheduled Kemocite convoy and additional escorts were added.
Shortly after rendezvous, all three escorts, with varying degree of success, detected four ships approaching the convoy at increased warp speeds. Suspecting a possible attack, and due to convoy being slower than escorting ships and approaching unknown ships, CAPT Vel ordered all ships out of warp to confront unknown ships. At this time, ships drive signatures were determined to be Romulan by CAPT Kermit and USS Reyga, and a warning was given to the incoming ships to divert course away from the convoy.
As soon as the diversion warning was issued from USS Midway, approaching ships decloaked to reveal One Mogai Warbird and Three T’varo class Warbirds. Declining to respond via communications, Romulan ships moved into attack formation, powering shields and weapons. At this time, red alert was ordered aboard all escorts, and transports began evasive action.
The Mogai proceeded to directly engage the Midway, while Reyga and Virin moved into protective positions to prevent the three T’varo’s attack run on the convoy. Immediately, one T’varo was disabled by superior gunnery from USS Reyga. Second T’varo began to attempt to escape, and was allowed to go to warp. Third T’varo continued attacks against USS Reyga and RRW Virin, scoring a critical hit to RRW Virin. USS Reyga proceeded to move to assist Virin, and hits to the T’varo’s weaponry caused an overload when the ship attempted to fire at the Virin, destroying the vessel.
During this time, the USS Midway and the Mogai warbird engaged one another, until Midway deployed fighters to gain an additional firepower advantage over the Romulan ship. Perhaps detecting that the T’varo’s had been either destroyed, disabled or fended off, the Mogai turned and went to warp, withdrawing from the battle.
At this time, USS Reyga proceeded to offer medical assistance to RRW Virin, while USS Midway proceeded to send boarding parties to capture the disabled warbird and offer medical assistance to any wounded aboard. Boarding parties from USS Midway’s security team succeeded in securing the disabled T’varo, securing prisoners aboard, and providing critical medical aid to wounded. Prisoners secured aboard USS Midway, awaiting response from Fleet Command on their desired disposition.
RECOMMENDATION Complaint filed to Starfleet Command in regards to critical witholding of information by Starfleet Intelligence. Recommend information transparency when changing convoy composition last minute
RECOGNITION Recognition to crew of USS Reyga for swift recognition of incoming ships, and bravery for defending convoy against numerically superior foe. Recognition to RRW Virin for bravery in combat, and tenacity in staying operational despite heavy damage. Recognition to LCDR’s Flynn and zh’Vhenda for adhering to excellent standards expected of a Starfleet Officer. And recognition to Lt. Drush for taking the initiative in sensor work to allow Midway to be prepared for incoming attack
OOC This mission will be the start of a piggyback story arc to the Tri’Vokil situation. There will be more RP in regards to finding out WHY the Romulan Empire wanted a Federation prisoner ship and the kemocite transports. Message me if you wish to be included in any future parts of this story arc! Thank you to all who showed up, you made this event possible!