Internal Comm Log
BCC: LCDR Kuvak, LT Castillo, LTJG Ralts, ENS Sadaann, ENS Yog’Sholegh, … (47 others)
CC: CMDR Sedai
From: CAPT Kermit
Subj: Welcome Aboard
By now you’ll have received your orders for transfer to the USS Reyga. If not, then, surprise!
As most of the ship’s crew is arriving individually, please be aware that you may be reporting aboard prior to your department head’s arrival. As a result, all crewmembers are asked to check in first with the watch officer on the bridge.
As we get settled in over the next two weeks we’ll be hosting a series of meet-and-greets along with ship familiarization drills. These are optional, but I encourage you to come get to know your new shipmates.
I’m honored to have you all aboard as part of Reyga’s first crew rotation, and I look forward to joining you on our first voyage.
Captain James Kermit
Commanding, USS Reyga
BCC: ENS Yog’Sholegh, … (29 others)
From: CMDR Sedai
Subj: Science career goals discussion
Good afternoon, officers, and welcome aboard.
In case you were unaware, apart from my role as executive officer on the Reyga, I am also acting as head of the science department. Towards that end, I’m working my way through meeting with the science personnel to get a sense of your interests, personal strengths and career goals, so that if we have particular opportunities to which you would be well suited, I can make sure you are assigned to them.
I’ve allocated a couple weeks’ worth of open office hours for these meetings, so please take a look at the attached bookings file and select a slot that will work for you.
I look forward to getting to know you a little better.
CMDR K. Sedai
XO/Science, USS Reyga
//ATTACHMENT// REYGA-sci-appts.cal
To: ENS Ban
From: CMDR Sedai
Subj: Extended welcome/discussion
Good afternoon, Ensign.
Recent events have made me feel that it would be beneficial for us to meet and, perhaps, have an informal debriefing about some of the things you’ve been through.
Please note that I have referred to your calendar and blocked out some time this upcoming weekend; if this won’t work for you for whatever reason, do let me know. I will otherwise expect you to in my office at the appointed time.
CMDR K. Sedai
XO/Science, USS Reyga
To: Reyga/All
From: LCDR Kuvak
Subj: Repairs Complete
Major repairs to the ship are complete at this time. It is now safe to return. Engineering crews will be conducting additional lower priority repairs and carrying out tests over the remaining several days.
LCDR Kuvak
Chief Engineer, USS Reyga
To: <Reyga/ALL>
From: CMDR Sedai
Subj: XO Sedai off posting next week
Good evening, all Reyga personnel.
For your awareness, I will be disembarking from the vessel at Deep Space 13 starting next Monday for a brief period of recreational leave. I am due back on Friday before the Reyga gets under way.
Per protocol, LCDR Kuvak will be serving as acting executive officer. Please direct all pressing concerns to him in my absence.
CMDR K. Sedai
XO/Science, USS Reyga
To: <Reyga/ALL>
From: CMDR Sedai
Subj: Reyga Film Club
Good evening, Reyga personnel.
We are announcing, for the foreseeable future, a regular schedule of twice-a-week movie rotations in the main mess hall. The same film will be screened twice, once during half past gamma shift, and the other during half past zeta.
For the inaugural showing, we will be screening the Earth-human classic, The Princess Bride. You may submit any suggestions you have for future showings to <reyga/film.club>
. Selections from all cultures would be very welcome.
I know it’s not much, but if you find yourself with time to kill and an uncertainty on how to do so, I encourage you to come spend it in this somewhat carefree way with your colleagues.
CMDR K. Sedai
XO/Science, USS Reyga
To: <Reyga/ALL>
From: CAPT Kermit
Subj: Memory Stones
Reyga Personnel,
Due to the discovery of the ruins of a civilization, we’re going to be remaining in orbit to complete a detailed survey of D-2137 II.
One noteworthy find was the ruins of some kind of temple. It contains a collection of stones which, when touched, produce a telepathic experience that we believe to be memories and feelings, either of or about a deceased individual of the planet’s former inhabitants. We believe it may be a sort of memorial.
The encounter is emotionally intense, and significantly amplified for telepaths, but results in no lasting harm and represents a truly unique opportunity to gain insight and experience an aspect of a culture not previously encountered by the Federation.
I would like to create a catalog of all of the ‘memory stones’ contained within the temple. To that end, we are seeking volunteers to beam down and assist in touching the stones and providing an account of the experience.
Captain James Kermit
Commanding, USS Reyga
//ATTACHMENT// AAR: Eulogies
To: ENS Idrael; ENS Sadaann;
CC: CMDR Sedai
From: CAPT Kermit
Subj: Satellite Study
I’d like you to collaborate on a more detailed study of the satellites in orbit of D-2137 II. Technological information is useful on its own merit, of course, but I am primarily interested in what that can tell us about the society that once existed here.
If it becomes necessary, you are authorized to make use of our small craft and/or to bring one of the satellites aboard for study at your discretion. If you’re able to locate anything relevant to your task on the surface, you may investigate there as well.
Report your findings to Commander Sedai.
Captain James Kermit
Commanding, USS Reyga
To: ENS Ban; ENS Yog’Sholegh
CC: CMDR Sedai
From: CAPT Kermit
Subj: Ruins Study
I’m assigning you to coordinate further study of the surface ruins on D-2137 II. I’d like you to put together as much information as you’re able to gather/extrapolate about the society that once existed here.
The temple we visited with the memory stones is a good place to start, but I suspect you’ll want to expand the survey to other planetary locations as well. Form away teams at your discretion, and report your results to Commander Sedai.
Captain James Kermit
Commanding, USS Reyga
Pinging @Sadaann @Garak234 @Scandium @Davin for follow-up missions! Feel free to collaborate.
To: <Reyga/ALL>
From: CAPT Kermit
Subj: New CMO
Reyga Personnel,
Please join me in welcoming aboard our new Chief Medical Officer, Lieutenant Naderi Vehl.
For those of you who have been skipping your annual physicals, I’m sure our vacant CMO position was the only reason and expect to see those completed promptly now that it’s resolved.
Captain James Kermit
Commanding, USS Reyga
To: <Reyga/ALL>
From: CAPT Kermit
Subj: Kelt Region Assignment Briefing
Reyga Personnel,
Our next assignment takes us to the Kelt Region of the Doza Sector. We’ll be traveling to an ancient space station which was thought to be abandoned. Initial exploration by USS Endeavour found a mysterious crystalline structure - proximity to which results in the failure of standard issue Starfleet equipment such as phasers and tricorders. This is the second such crystal discovered in the Kelt Region. This, and the information potentially available in the station’s computer systems, are a priority for Fleet Command.
Accessing that information has been problematic, due to a population of insectoids discovered living on the station. Command sent USS Defender to remove them to secure access to the station. While the insectoids were non-hostile during the initial exploration, they attacked the next away team which was sent over. At that time the station was also discovered to be blocking transporter beams. The reports are unclear as to the reason for the attack, though in hindsight I believe it’s possible that they knew the team was there to remove them and acted in self-defense.
A biological study performed on a deceased insectoid yielded some general information, but failed to ascertain whether these creatures are sentient. It did, however, result in the synthesis of a pheromone capable of luring the creatures. This was tested successfully by a second away team.
Reyga’s mission is to study the insects, primarily to determine their level of intelligence and whether or not they are sentient. It’s unfortunate that this study comes after a hostile encounter, but that’s the hand we’ve been dealt. All personnel are to assume that the insectoids are sentient and highly intelligent until proven otherwise.
Command has also assigned Major Valencia to the mission. Let me be clear, though. If we have to call in the MACOs, then we have failed.
Department heads, please review the available information and prepare your departments accordingly. We’ll go over specific plans when we arrive.
Captain James Kermit
Commanding, USS Reyga